Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
ICSM alumni
The Imperial College School of Medicine Alumni Association (ICSM Alumni) was formed following the merger of St Mary’s, Charing Cross and Westminster Medical Schools. It exists as a way to help graduates of the School of Medicine keep in touch, informed and involved with Imperial's School of Medicine, and more importantly is a way of giving back to the Students of ICSM.
ICSM Alumni is a registered charity and run independently from Imperial. It is open to all alumni who have graduated from the School of Medicine or alumni and staff from the original constituent medical schools.
ICSM membership costs £25 per annum which helps to support ICSM Students Union, and ICSM clubs and societies. Members also receive a range of benefits including invitations to events and the ICSM gazette twice a year.
Contact ICSM Alumni
Dr Anojan Arulananthan (MBBS 2008, MBA 2015) is the President of the ICSM Alumni Association.
For more information or to join the association, please contact the membership team at membership@icsmalumni.org.
St Mary's Hospital Association
St Mary's Hospital Association is open to all St Mary's alumni, or other alumni who have an interest in our activities.
St Mary's Hospital Association is a Registered Charity that aims to promote good fellowship amongst those who have trained or worked at St Mary's and to support the Imperial College School of Medicine.
Contact the St Mary's Hospital Association
For further information about the St Mary's Hospital Alumni Association please contact archivist and secretary Kevin Brown.
Charing Cross and Westminister
The Charing Cross and Westminster alumni association is open to all alumni who have graduated from Charing Cross or Westminster Medical Schools, or alumni who have an interest in our association.
Contact the Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School Alumni Association
If you would like to contact the Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School Alumni group please email alumni@imperial.ac.uk and we will put you in touch.