The latest exam room capacities and layouts can be found below, including the Great Hall and QTR exam venues.

If any information is missing, appears incorrect or you'd like to establish an exam room layout/capacity within your department, please contact Peter Laskey 

Exam Room Layouts

To be added

To be added

Room Name

Exam Capacity


ACEX 306-317 (combined) 152 Chem Eng
BLKT 1004 20 Physics
BLKT 539 20 Physics
BLKT 630 20 Physics
BLKT 741 20 Physics
CAGB 309 54 Aeronautics
CHEM 237 26 Chemistry
CHEM 630 ABC 24 Chemistry
CHEM 630 DEF 24 Chemistry
CHEM 630 GHJ 24 Chemistry
CHEM 637 30 Chemistry
CHEM 640 ABC 24 Chemistry
CHEM 640 DEF 24 Chemistry
CHEM 640 GHJ 24 Chemistry
DBDE G01B 45 Design Eng
DBDE 301B 75 Design Eng
EEE 403A-B 84 Electrical & Electronic Eng
EEE 406-407A-B 84 Electrical & Electronic Eng
EEE 508 10 Electrical & Electronic Eng
HXLY 217-218 26 Mathematics
HXLY 341 35 Mathematics
HXLY 342 68 Mathematics
HXLY 341-342 (combined) 103 Mathematics
HXLY 503 20 Mathematics
HXLY 658 10 Mathematics
HXLY 711C 20 Mathematics
ICSM S303 A-B  12 CLCC
ICBS LG19A/B 40 Business School
RODH 414 28 CTSO
RODH 419 28 Centre of Environmental Policy
RODH 422 28 CTSO
RSM 149/50 48 Earth Science
RSM 151 40 Earth Science
RSM 242 12 Earth Science
RSM 301C 36 Bioengineering
RSM 301D 36 Earth Science
RSM 301E 28 Earth Science
RSM 301CDE (combined) 100 Bioengineering/Earth Science
RSM 303 23 Bioengineering
RSM G01 54 Materials
RSM G05 35 Materials
RSM G38 30 Earth Science
RSM G41 45 Earth Science
SAFB G28 100 Medicine

SECB 290 (Link classroom)

24 Life Sciences
SKEM 060ABC 84 Civil Eng
SKEM 064AB 63 Civil Eng
SKEM 301 68 Civil Eng
SKEM 307 63 Civil Eng
SKEM 315 28 Civil Eng