Competencies FAQ
What is competency?
Typically, competencies are general descriptions of the abilities needed to perform a role in the organisation and reflect the different skills, knowledge and professional behaviour expected at each level. Competencies can usually be demonstrated by attendance on a course or briefing session, assessment, or confirmation from a more senior member of staff.
I’ve received an email telling me that my competency profile has been updated – do I need to do anything?
No – the email is just for your information; feel free to keep it as proof that you have achieved a particular level. An email is automatically generated when your competency level is updated on your HR record in ICIS. This may be because you’ve just attended a course that has a competency linked to it (for example, Introduction to Laser Safety) or because your department or the Learning and Development Centre are updating records.
Note that where new competency frameworks are being introduced, it will be necessary to do some retrospective input to bring records up to date. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you receive an email confirming a competency you may have achieved some time ago!