Information and Booking

Trainer: Radiation Protection Team - Safety Department
Cost: Internal - No charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 1.5 hours (11:00 – 12:30)
Format: Online

Booking via Training Centre

Who should attend

A 1.5 hour tailored training course on MS Teams for College employees who are appointed as new Radiation Protection Supervisors and those who are due to refresh every three years.

Pre-course work

All participants must complete: Module 1: Management of Radiation Protection at Imperial College (for all)
You must then complete e-learning modules relevant to your role (See the list below).

Key Areas

  • Radiation and radioactive substances regulations
  • RPS role and duties
  • Radioactive materials control and accountancy
  • Work and personnel registration
  • Staff inductions
  • Controlled and Supervised areas
  • Contingency Plans    

Further Information

Heads of Departments should note that if work with ionising radiation is carried out in their department, there may be a statutory requirement to appoint one or more Radiation Protection Supervisors (please get in touch with the RPA or RPO for details). Such appointments must be made in writing, and sufficient time and resources must be given to individuals to carry out the duties associated with the post (please refer to College Guidance Note IRPM-ICRP-027; Duties of a Radiation Protection Supervisor).

Please bear in mind that if the demands of your current post mean that you will be unable to have enough time to carry out the duties required of an RPS, you should not be or accept an appointment as one. As an example, it is likely that RPS duties in a department with 5 to 10 radiation workers could take between 5% and 20% of an individual's time.