Information and Booking

Trainer: Fire Team
Cost: Internal - no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 1 hour (13:00 – 14:00 unless specified otherwise)
Format: Online
Essential Information
Before attending, all participants must complete the mandatory e-learning course Fire Safety and Awareness Training. Bookings can be made using the blue button below. A Fire Prevention and Fire Safety at Work (practical) course is also run as part of the Fire Safety Policy.

Booking via Training Centre

Who should attend

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) requires the College “to nominate a sufficient number of competent persons to implement procedures in so far as they relate to the evacuation of relevant persons from the premises.” Departments are required to nominate staff to fulfil these roles, and the Fire Safety team deliver training to demonstrate the competency of Fire Wardens.

The only restrictions on who can be a Fire Warden are that they must be a staff member and cannot have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) in place.

NB The training is now being delivered by building.
Fire Wardens should attend based on which building they are located in.
This training should be undertaken based on risk assessment.

Key Areas

  • Key responsibilities of Fire Wardens and Co-ordinators
  • What to do in the event of discovering a fire – Fire Action
  • When not to tackle a fire
  • Ensuring safe evacuation of premises

Further information

The courses cater to staff working in particular buildings at the College. Additional training sessions are also held upon request, e.g. Hall Wardens and Residences staff.


20 September (Hall Wardens)
27 September (Hall Wardens)
18 October (White City - Stadium House)
01 November White City - MSRH & Uren Building) - 12:00
01 November (Princes Gardens, Ethos, 14/15 Princes Gardens and Weeks Hall) - 13:30
08 November (Hammersmith - All Buildings) - 12:00
08 November (Charing Cross - All Buildings) - 13:30
15 November (All Buildings CBS) - 12:00
15 November (Royal Brompton & Chelsea and Westminster - All Buildings) - 13:30
22 November (South Kensington - Sherfield, Central Library, Faculty) - 12:00
22 November (South Kensington - Dyson, RCS & SAF) - 13:30
29 November (South Kensington - Skempton, EEE & Grantham) - 12:00
29 November (South Kensington - ACEX, Bone and Roderic Hill) - 13:30
06 December (South Kensington - Huxley & Blackett) - 12:00
06 November (South Kensington - SECB, Chemistry & Flowers) - 13:30
13 December (South Kensington - CAGB, Bessemer, RSM & Business School) - 12:00
13 December (St Mary's - All Buildings) - 13:30