study 10 banner

The college is committed to supporting all staff at Imperial to achieve their career goals through personal and professional development. To support postdoc and fellows, you have 10 development days per year written in your contract.

Why? What? How?

Why? What?


  • Reflect on your skillset
  • Plan your career goals
  • Gain experience/evidence skills


  • Independence
  • Specific Research/technical skills
  • Leadership and management
  • Oral and written skills
  • Teaching and supervision
  • Networking
  • Awareness of equality and diversity
  • Teamwork


  • Courses
  • Become a PFDC Postdoc Rep
  • Become a STEM Ambassador
  • Become a Mentor for UG/School students
  • Become an Assistant Supervisor
  • Spend time in the industry
  • Plan/organise an event
  • Develop/deliver an outreach/engagement programme
  • Become a Tutor
  • Collaborate with an NGO/Charity that might be interested in your research
  • Do policy work
  • Join the Imperial PAW committee

Dates and information:

For all enquiries,
Postdocs must be available to attend seven 30-minute meetings on the following dates:

  • Thursday, 19 and Tuesday, 24 November 2020
  • Wednesday, 16 and Thursday, 17 December 2020
  • Wednesday, 27 and Thursday, 28 January 2021
  • Tuesday, 23 and Wednesday, 24 February 2021
  • Tuesday, 23 and Wednesday, 24 March 2021
  • Tuesday, 27 and Wednesday, 28 April 2021
  • Wednesday, 26 and Friday, 28 May 2021

Postdoc-10 study - November 2020 to May 2021

The Postdoc-10 study is focussed on how Postdocs use their 10 development days which are included in their contract. The PFDC is excited to offer 20 places to Postdocs from all Faculties at Imperial.  

This study will enable Postdocs to:

  • Make their career a priority
  • Identify ways to utilise their 10 development days towards achieving their career goals
  • Document and commit to their career portfolio and development
  • Have dedicated 1:1 guidance and support to track their professional development
  • Access a confidential sounding board and tailored advice on what they can do with their 10 days
  • Broaden their horizons and skills


Postdocs must be available to attend seven 30-minute meetings on the following dates.

All information, feedback and evaluation data will be anonymised and shared on the PFDC website in the form of a case study.