The College attaches great importance to personal development and the need for all staff to equip themselves with key skills, not only to undertake their College responsibilities effectively but as a personal benefit in relation to their longer-term careers.

To support you, as a postdoc, fellow or clinician at Imperial, you have 10 days development per year training written into your contract.

Achieve your goals via personal and professional development

  • Evidence is key when demonstrating your skills and experience in fellowship, grant and job applications
  • Investing in your own development will allow you to build your skills and evidence for your career development


Your 10 Days

  • 10 days are in your contract – this is unique to Imperial
  • Understand what you can use these days for – they can be used for anything that is above and beyond your day job!
  • Plan and discuss with your Line Manager, mentor, colleagues, the PFDC - how to use these days
  • It’s important to remember to use them. Do not waste or not use your days as they cannot be carried over to the next year.
  • Keep a record of your development – what have you done, what did you learn? Can you implement and develop your learning?
  • Be proactive in your development – identify what you need and research a solution
  • And remember, all PFDC courses are free for Imperial postdocs, fellows and clinicians

You are all highly skilled individuals

Personal and professional development will enable you to enhance your current skills and develop new skills.  What skills do you need to succeed in your career? Common skills required in academic roles and roles beyond academia include (skills identified via PFDC mock interview job descriptions):

  • Independence
  • Specific research / technical skills
  • Academic writing skills / good written communication
  • Teamwork
  • Teaching and Supervision
  • Networking skills
  • Awareness of the importance of Equality & Diversity
  • Monitoring, reviewing and reflection
  • Leadership and Management skills

How can you achieve these skills?

The list of options is endless, some ideas include: