Preparing for an interview is vital if you want to succeed in securing a new position, and having a mock interview can be an important component of your preparation.

Congratulations you’ve been shortlisted - To book a mock interview

"The mock interview was hugely valuable to me and I greatly appreciated the time and feedback given by the panellists. The Chair’s support was thoughtful, practical and has had a measurable positive effect on my attitude and confidence moving forward."

Please complete a ‌Mock interview request form , and email it to the PFDC-Support team. The PFDC may not be able to accommodate bookings requested with less than two weeks’ notice

In addition to a mock interview with the PFDC, it is recommended that you arrange a technical mock interview within your department if you would like to focus on the technical aspects of your application.

If you are invited for a remote interview using an online video platform, please check our top tips for virtual Interviews.

Become a mock interview panellist

"When I was at the real interview, giving my presentation and facing the panel, I could hear the difference in my answers and felt I came across so much better after having practised with the panel."

To experience being on an interview panel and have the opportunity to experience ‘the other side of the table’, volunteer to be a panel member on our mock interviews by contacting

The Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre will arrange mock interviews for postdocs, fellows or clinicians who have been shortlisted for fellowships, academic positions and positions outside of higher education. We organise rooms, coordinate the availability of panel members, sit on the panel ourselves, choose appropriate questions, and provide feedback to the interviewee.

Having a mock interview was mentioned as being a highly valuable experience by many who have undertaken them through the Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre.

Why take part in PFDC Mock Interviews?

"During the mock interview, I received a lot of constructive comments about the style of my presentation and the proper way to convey the message that I wanted, making a strong case about my qualifications. Some of the questions that were asked during the mock interview were also asked during the actual interview and I felt confident to appropriately answer them."

The Candidate - at the end of the mock the candidate will be better able to:

  • Deliver their interview presentation
  • Answer interview questions
  • Recognise areas for improvements in presenting and answering questions through feedback from the panel
  • Apply the feedback received in the next mock or real interview

A Panellist - the panellists will actively participate in the mock interview. This will enable them to be better able to:

  • Gain/improve awareness of the types of questions that are asked at i.e. an academic interview
  • Evaluate the common mistakes made in answering interview questions
  • Assess solutions to improve in answering interview questions
  • Self-assess their own interview skills to identify how to improve
  • Practice: how to give constructive feedback for the candidate

Don’t have time for a mock interview? Want additional resources?

"The PFDC mock interview is a complement to technical mock interviews that need to be arranged with the host department. I had two such interviews, based on my experience I recommend a combination of technical and PFDC-style mock interviews."