A pilot programme of support consisting of informal networking conversations, Q&As with College professionals and peer action learning sets is taking place for UKRI Future Leaders Fellows.

The programme is designed to help FLFs when starting their fellowship in relation to leadership skills and navigating an academic career, as well as building a community of fellows who can be accessed for support and sharing of experiences.

Topics covered in the programme include:

  • Recruitment
  • Budget
  • Next Steps
  • Working with students
  • Publicising your research
  • Translation journey

The pilot programme is currently open to all Future Leaders Fellows at Imperial, with the aim of rolling out the programme of development support to all independent research fellows at the College. This will form part of the bespoke programme of support for independent research fellows at the College.

Updates on the roll out of the programme in the 2021/22 academic year will be provided in the PFDC newsletter and on this webpage.