Information and Booking

Tutor: Dr Emma Williams - Independent Consultant
Cost: Internal no charge.
External not available
Duration: Half-day (13.30-16.30)

10 May

Book onto training with ICIS: Sign in and click "My Training" - Search for the course - Click: Enrol


Being a postdoc is not a career. But being enterprising and being able to put together a reasonable business case will be part of the next career step: whether academic (for grants), industrial (for internal projects) or the start-up arena. Having a good idea in research or business is only the first step – proving it’s great to funders or investors is the next step!

This course provides a great starting point for those thinking of developing an idea into a business or those looking to work with academic, industrial or business partners. Working with your peers we will interactively explore the elements of a business plan. This event will give you the appropriate knowledge and language to be able to make informed interactions with other Imperial sources of support (e.g. Imperial Innovations, the College Research Office).

Key areas

  • Knowledge of the different aspects of business cases
  • Knowledge of the language used to describe business plans
  • Understanding the importance of alternative routes and adaptability
  • Knowledge of some of the ethical considerations when in business