Information and Booking

Tutor: Dr Madelaine Chapman, Careers Service
Cost: Internal no charge.
External not available
Duration: 2 hours

03 February - 14:00 - 16:00
10 May - 14:00 - 16:00

Book onto training with ICIS: Sign in and click "My Training" - Search for the course - Click: Enrol

What have past participants found most useful?

  • Having input from academic staff at Imperial was invaluable!!! (Postdoc, Grantham Institute)
  • The course is very well balanced, and the trainers were very kind and pleasant to interact with. Well done, and thank you for motivating us (Postdoc, Electrical Engineering)

Who should attend

While interviews for PhDs and postdocs can be fairly informal, interviews for fellowships and lectureships are quite different.

In this session, you will learn what to expect for the different types of academic interviews and what the interview panels are typically looking for.

You will find out what interview questions to expect and how to prepare to answer them with confidence.