Information and Booking

Trainer: Dr Amanda Super
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Format: Online
12 December - 14:00 – 15:30
06 February - 14:00 – 15:30
16 April - 14:00 – 15:30

Booking Imperial Staff Should you have any further questions, please contact usWait List Request Form

Life and work are increasingly stressful and challenging for us all. Research shows that self-compassion is a protective factor in a wide range of wellbeing indicators, including psychological health. Self-compassion training enables us to increase our emotional resilience and self-care.

We offer a 90-minute session focused on considering our development of Self-Compassion and how this approach can enable us to be happier, healthier and more resilient at work. This is a facilitated discussion, an introduction to self-compassion theory and practice, and the opportunity to participate in a reflective space

After this session, you will:

  • Understand the three components of self-compassion
  • Understand the basic theory, research and scientific support of self-compassion
  • Have had the opportunity to learn and practice all the key aspects of self-compassion
  • Have been provided with practical tips and exercises to promote self-compassion and increase emotional resilience
  • Have been provided with relevant essential tasks to embed self-compassion and self-care development in your daily life and work

We also provide below a complete reading list and resources that support your thinking around self-compassion. Self-compassion is an essential component of wellbeing, and we encourage some self-study by utilising the information and resources available to you.  

Coaching and Mentoring can also provide a one-to-one confidential space to focus on work-specific challenges, and our Health and Wellbeing pages offer additional support.



  • FIERCE SELF-COMPASSION - How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive Kristin Neff
  • Christopher Germer (2009) The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions. Guilford Press: USA 
  • Kristin Neff (2011) Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind. William Morris: USA 
  • Paul Gilbert (2009) The Compassionate Mind (Compassion Focused Therapy). Constable: EU 
  • Monica Worline and Jane Dutton (2017) Awakening Compassion at Work: The Quiet Power that Elevates People and Organisations. Berrett-Koehler: USA 
  • Brene Brown (2018) Dare to Lead. Vermillion: London 
  • Nelisha Wickremasinghe (2018) Beyond Threat. Triarchy Press: UK 
  • Amanda Super (2015) A Year of Self-Compassion: Finding Care, Connection and Calm in Our Challenging Times. Matador: UK (also available via Creating compassion )