Information and Booking

Trainer: George Callaghan
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 1 hour
Format: Online
18 January - 10:00 - 11:00

Booking Imperial Staff Should you have any further questions, please contact us


Understanding and improving your relationship with money can have a huge impact on your financial situation.

At this webinar, a Financial Coach will help us understand the emotional and practical issues around money. We will focus on financial wellbeing and understanding financial security.  Finally, we will explore what a ‘money mindset’ is and learn how to build good habits. 

This webinar is open to all staff.

Key areas

  • What is financial wellbeing?
  • Good money habits
  • Financial goals
  • One-page financial plan
  • Making your goals real
  • What is a money mindset?
  • Improving our money mindset
