Information and Booking

Trainer: Laura Rigden
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration:  1 hour
Format: Online

24 January - 10:00 - 11:00


This practical webinar will introduce the importance of simple health tips and mindset tricks to beat the winter blues and thrive as we work our way towards spring.  As dark mornings and grey skies linger and the post-winter holiday slump hits, our moods can easily suffer. This impacts motivation, morale, and performance if we don't take action.
You will walk away with a plan to optimise your daily habits, interactions, and thoughts to boost your mood, motivation and feel more fulfilled, regardless of the weather.

Who is it for?

Any member of staff.

Key areas

  • The science of seasons and emotions
  • The physical foundations of resilience
  • Overcoming the negativity bias
  • Committing to action