Information and Booking

Trainers: Dr Matthew Critchlow and Ewan Stickley
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration:  3 hours
Format: Online

31 October - 10:00 - 13:00

Booking Imperial Staff


There are many well-recognised sources of stress in the workplace, including poor relationships (e.g., bullying), high demands and rapid change. If not managed well, these challenges pose a severe risk of stress. If managed well, however, these factors contribute to employee engagement.
In this course, we introduce key concepts of stress and wellbeing. Participants learn to identify the early warning signs of stress in themselves and others and decide the best means of supporting team members. We introduce the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards and use the ORGRPQ survey to help participants identify potential sources of stress in their teams. We also introduce the concept of employee engagement and the PERMA model of wellbeing, developed by Professor Martin Seligman.

Who is it for?

Academics, Researchers, Technical Staff and Learning and Teaching Staff with people management responsibility who want to promote resilience and wellbeing and achieve sustainable high performance.

Key areas

  • Describe the predictors of stress and the components of resilience and wellbeing in the workplace
  • Identify the early warning signs of stress and provide adequate support for team members
  • Describe the PERMA model of wellbeing and identify ways to apply PERMA in your team
  • Develop an action plan for team development
  • The Transactional Theory of Stress and Resilience (TTSR)
  • Definitions of stress
  • The 'work organisation' factors that increase the risk of stress
  • The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards – Demands, Control, Support, Relationships, Role and Change
  • Using the ORGRPQ™  survey to evaluate stress and resilience in own team
  • Review of team results and Gap analysis
  • Identification of strengths and areas for improvement