Booking and information

Managing Probations Effectively - a 75-minute workshop run by the Employee Relations team.

book a facilitated session with the Employee Relations Team

Who should attend

For managers who are recruiting new team members or have staff on probation. Learn about your role and responsibilities and the College policies and procedures during a probationary period.

Key areas

  • Provides line managers with advice on how to manage probation periods effectively
  • Guidance on the benefits of following the College process and the repercussions when the process is not followed.
  • Looks at the probation process in-depth, highlighting the importance of each stage s, i.e. appointment, planning an induction, objective setting, mid and final probation review meetings and Annual Review Conversation (ARC), all in line with the College Policy and Values.

Further information

The workshop provides line managers with advice on effectively managing probation periods, guidance on the benefits of following the College process, and the repercussions when the process is not followed.
In addition, this workshop looks at the probation process in-depth, highlighting the importance of each stage, i.e., appointment, planning an induction, objective setting, mid and final probation review meetings, and Annual Review Conversation (ARC), all in line with the College Policy and Values.


As a manager, your role is to effectively manage your people through their probation period in a transparent, fair, clear manner free of unfair discriminatory practices, aligning with the College guidelines and Policies.

Probationary periods enable you to objectively assess whether the new person is suitable for the job, considering their capability, skills, performance, attendance, and general conduct based on Imperial Values. It also allows the new employee to see whether they like their new job, set up, team/department/work location, or need more support and adjustments.

  • Conduct regular meetings with your employee, discuss their role, expectations, set objectives
  • Set the right tone
  • Provide regular feedback
  • Encourage an open dialogue
  • Address any issues with your employee during your 1:1’s so nothing comes as a surprise in the probation meetings
  • Conduct the mid and end of probation review meetings and agree on clear goals and progress
  • Submit the relevant forms.

Look out for the ICIS automated reminders (for the standard three- and six-month reviews) which will remind you that these are coming up.