Information and Booking

Trainer: Richard Hollingham from Boffin Media
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration:  3 hours (09:30-12:30)
Format: In-person (SK)
14 November
23 January
27 February
12 March
14 May

Book a place

Session Overview

This three-hour course provides an introduction to the media. It involves interactive exercises, group work and discussion relevant to participants’ specialisms. The style will be informal and fun to encourage confident and effective communication.

Key areas

  • An informed insider view of the broadcast and print industries
  • Examples of science in the media
  • Interactive print exercises and press release development
  • Recorded, practice radio interviews
  • Good microphone and interview techniques
  • Podcasting session to allow everyone to be interviewed and interview
  • Voice and tone exercises
  • Use of language
  • How best to work with a press officer

Who should attend?

Early career Academics who want to raise their media profile and respond positively to media interest.