
Trainer: Research Office
Cost: Internal no charge. External not available
Duration: 1 hour (approx.)

Who should attend

This course is aimed at academic and non-academic staff (particularly new joiners) in Departments/Divisions who are unfamiliar with College practice and policy on Research Contracts, and would like to understand more about internal policy and process, as well as key matters to be considered.

Key areas

An overview of Research Contracts in the College:

  • Types of agreement
  • College policy (Preferred Terms and Conditions) and why specific terms are sought, e.g. Intellectual Property and Publication
  • Approval and Authorisation process
  • Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) – key considerations, and process for acceptance and approval

Please contact Wayne Murrell in the Research Office if you wish to attend this course, or would like further information or wish to discuss related training needs.

Other training recommendations

The following course may also be relevant: Intellectual Property Awareness