Information and Booking

Trainer: Janine Waldman
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 2 hours (10:00-12:00)
Format: Online

18 October
16 January
09 May

Booking Imperial Staff Should you have any further questions, please contact us

linkedin logoNetworking skills support our career development. By broadening our network, we create opportunities for new projects, new professional relationships, and possibly your next career move.

There is a lot of information out there that can help refine your skills in this area. On this page, we have given some suggestions around reading and resources – including our own Career Moves ‘Deeper Dives 3’ document, which helps you plan networking around the organisational, team, external and personal connections.

An online module also focuses on LinkedIn profiles and getting you to reflect and plan around how you will put your networking skills into action.

We offer our own two-hour workshop that will help delegates:

  • Reflect on their experiences and understanding of networking
  • Prepare for, and practise networking
  • Explore the benefits of social media and online platforms
  • Develop their own authentic and achievable approach and strategies