Information and Booking

Trainer: Beth Stallwood (Transforment Ltd)
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking.
Duration: 45 minutes (11:00-11:45)
Format: Online

15 August
11 October
20 February
12 June

Booking Imperial Staff Should you have any further questions, please contact us


In this fast-paced and interactive session, you’ll learn the method for mastering conversations about your career. Whether you’re just starting to think about what’s next for you or ready to make your next move, developing your conversational skills will set you up for success.

Who should attend

This session is for all staff.

Key areas

This session will enable you to:

  • Work through the six-step conversation process
  • Crowdsource great ideas from your colleagues
  • Learn top tips on how to be effective in your conversations
  • Create your personal action plan, turning inspiration into action
  • Find out where to find further careers resources