Information and Booking

Trainer: Sarah Hammett - External Consultant
Cost: Internal no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking
Duration: 2 x 90 Minutes
Format: Online


Booking Imperial Staff Online Resources (LinkedIn Learning)


This workshop is designed to provide you with insights, tools and models to enable you to approach your decision-making with greater self-awareness, confidence and effectiveness.

Who should attend

This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to examine their decision-making process and learn techniques to become more effective and confident.


By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Describe the value and limitations of their current approach to decision making
  • Understand how external influences can impact their decision making
  • Use an evidence-based framework for making decisions
  • Consider when and how to involve others in their decision making
  • Identify clear actions for themselves


You will work through the decision-making model using a current example, so please come with a decision that is “live” for you. It can be a decision you are currently facing or a decision you would like to re-visit.