Information and Booking

Trainer: Corndel and Imperial College Business School
Cost: Course fees are fully funded by Imperial’s apprenticeship levy, and there is no cost to the department.
Duration: 12 Months plus a 2-month End Point Assessment (EPA) period.
Find out more: You must attend an information session to enrol on this course.
Information sessions will take place online on:
Tuesday 23 January 2024, 12.00 – 13.00
Thursday 08 February 2024, 12.00 – 13.00
The next cohort will start on 17 April 2024.

Contact us to register for an information sessionCorndel Imperial College Guide for Learners.pdf


This exciting new programme is a collaboration between Imperial College Business School and Corndel, an award-winning work-based training provider. It is for staff who use tools like Excel regularly, are responsible for reporting and/or decision-making, and want to feel more confident in handling and presenting data. Delivered over fourteen months, the course will help you better understand the data you have access to in your role, validate and interrogate information, and make more informed decisions. Key themes include:

  • Handling data safely and securely
  • Improving data quality
  • Creating visualisations and communicating data insights
  • Automating manual, repetitive tasks to increase efficiency
  • Microsoft Excel, Power BI, and advanced spreadsheet skills
  • Data analytics tools

Delivery will take the form of twelve hands-on group workshops with a data science expert, monthly 1-1 sessions with a coach, guided self-learning, and bite-sized practical projects. You will also attend a programme of masterclasses delivered by Imperial College Business School academics on themes such as digital health innovation, cybersecurity, and ethics in data science. As such, this course is a unique opportunity to access leading-edge thinking in the field of data science and technology.

Who should attend

The programme is open to eligible staff from any job family or level who would like to develop data skills to support them in their work role. Learners should be regular users of Excel, work with datasets, and work in a role that requires them to analyse/report on data. However, your primary role will not be the manipulation and interrogation of large amounts of data (staff in specialist data roles should contact the apprenticeships manager if they would like to explore data analytics courses at a higher level).



Applicants should:

  • Be working in a role that allows you to apply and embed the learning from this programme.
  • Have approval from your line manager.
  • Be able to commit to the minimum learning requirement (approximately 6 hours per week).
  • Have Maths and English at Level 2 (i.e., GCSE grade A* - C / 9 – 4 or equivalent). If you do not have this, there will be an opportunity to complete it as part of the programme.
  • Have long enough remaining on your contract of employment to complete the programme.
  • Meet Skills Funding Agency rules around the Right to Work in the UK and residency.

Course content

The programme is fully aligned to the Level 3 Data Technician apprenticeship standard and participants will:

  • Develop a greater understanding of data, enabling you to make more informed evidence-based decisions and maximise your impact.
  • Learn to make better use of outputs from data analyst and data analysis projects.
  • Learn to effectively automate manual, repetitive tasks to increase your productivity and allow focus on more impactful work.
  • Be better equipped to communicate impact, value and insights through data visualisation.
  • Increase your ability to handle data more safely and securely.

Successful completion

On successful completion, participants will gain:

  • Level 3 Data Technician apprenticeship standard
  • Corndel Data Professional Diploma

Feedback from participants

Other participants of the training have said:

  • “This course is about so much more than Advanced Excel and there is a great deal to learn that can make a huge difference to your day-to-day role – and the credibility you build.”
    Corndel Data Professional Learner
  • “With the tools I have learnt on this programme, I am able to pull a large amount of data and summarise this in a single excel file to display and communicate statistics clearly. I also use these to prepare data for audits which used to take weeks and now only takes 10 minutes."
    Corndel Data Professional Learner