Imperial College has a number of staff networks and groups that aim to encourage collaborative working, knowledge sharing, and opportunities for both development and social engagement.
For further information, and to get involved, click on the links below and use the contact details provided on the network websites.
If you support a staff network that you would like to add to this list, or for advice about setting up a new network, please contact Kalpna Mistry

Staff Networks

  • Postdoc Reps

    The departmental postdoc reps work with the Postdoc Development Centre team to share ideas, concerns and feedback about the development opportunities and provision for postdocs at Imperial College.

  • Education Enquiry Network

    EDEN is an informal peer support group for members of staff from across the college who are currently undertaking a Doctorate (PhD or EdD) in Education.

  • Communications Network

    The College's Communications Network exists to bring people who have a role in communications together in order to:

    • Share best practice
    • Develop professional skills
    • Support communications across the College and work together
    • Network


  • PA & Administrator Network

    The PA & Administrator Network is a welcoming group offering networking opportunities, plus support and development for all staff who perform a PA or administrative function as part of their role regardless of job title. The Network also offers a Buddy scheme for new PA & Administrative staff.

  • Imperial Technicians’ Network

    The Imperial Technician’s Network is for all staff in the technical job family. It aims to build links, explore areas of common ground and highlight opportunities for personal and professional development.

  • Operational Improvement, Community of Practice
    The is a growing, welcoming and inclusive community, creating a network for those that have attended the Operational Excellence training.

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Networks

    Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion staff networks provide an opportunity for people to share their views on and engage in events and activities that foster an inclusive culture, which improves the working environment for everyone.  The staff networks are included below:
    Able@imperial: Able@Imperial is open to all disabled staff, staff who support disabled dependents, and staff interested in disability in the workplace.
    Imperial 600: Imperial 600 is the network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender staff (LGBT) and postgraduates. Straight allies are also welcome.
    Imperial as One: Imperial as One is open to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and those with an interest in race equality.