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Welcome to MoveCast.

We want everyone to feel comfortable with keeping fit, but we know that it can be a subject area filled with lots of advice, discussion and questions that can make it hard to know where to begin.

So, MoveCast brings together the experts from across our teams to discuss some of the most pressing topics around keeping fit, wellbeing and physical activity. Whether you want to know how to get the most out of your workouts, how to develop a training plan or discussions on body image, MoveCast is here to discuss these and much more in an approachable way. 

Season 2
 24 February 2021 E1: The importance of sleep
10 March 2021 E2: Couch to 5K
24 March 2021 E3: Wellbeing and mental health
7 April 2021 E4: Fad diets
14 April 2021 E5: Stress
28 April 2021 E6: Nutrition and your brain
Summary of the table's contents