Below is a guide to some of the commonly used acronyms and jargon around the College. Please contact the Central Secretariat if you have any additions or corrections.
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Common College Acronyms A-F
Acronym | Description |
A | |
AUA | Association of University Administrators |
AMICUS | Trades Union |
AUT | Association of University Teachers |
B | |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |
BUSA | British Universities Sports Association |
C | |
CID | College Identifier |
COSMIC | Catering Operations and Stock Management System |
CHAMPS | Conference Office Computerised Booking System (Existing) |
CASLAT | Certificate of Advanced Study in Learning and Teaching |
CCMB | Catering and Conference Management Board |
D | |
DDA | Disabilities and Discrimination Act |
DDR | Conference Day Delegate Rate |
DFID | Department for International Development (in 2009 all programmes were rebranded as 'UK Aid') |
DP | Data Protection |
E | |
EA | Environment Agency |
EDU | Educational Development Unit |
EFA | Education Funding Agency |
EPSRC | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council |
EQ | Educational Quality |
ESRC | Economic and Social Research Council |
EYEC | Early Years Education Centre |
EDCs | Educational Development Co-ordinators |
F | |
FAP | Funding Assurance Programme |
FP6 | Sixth Framework Programme |
FP7 | Seventh Framework Programme |
FFO | Faculty Finance Officer |
FOO | Faculty Operating Officer |
FoI | Freedom of Information (or FOIA Freedom of Information Act) |
FoM | Faculty of Medicine |
FEC | Full Economic Cost |
FTE | Full time equivalent |
FWAC | Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committees |
Common College Acronyms G-N
Acronym | Description |
G | |
GTA | Graduate Teaching Assistants |
H | |
HEFC | Higher Education Funding Councils |
HEFCE | Higher Education Funding Council for England |
HEFCW | Higher Education Funding Council for Wales |
HEI | Higher Education Institution |
HEIST | Higher Education Information Services Trust |
HESA | Higher Education Statistics Agency |
HoD | Head of Department/Division |
HNC/HND | Higher National Certificate / Diploma |
HCPC | Health and Care Professions Council |
HEA | Higher Education Academy |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive |
I | |
ICFB | Imperial College Faculty Building |
ICIS | Imperial College Information System |
ICSA | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators |
IiP | Investors in People |
ILAs | Individual Learning Accounts |
INSET | In-Service Education of Teachers |
ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
ICT | Information and Communications Technologies |
ICU | Imperial College Union |
ICWC | Imperial College Women's Club |
J | |
JANET | Joint Academic Network |
JCR | Junior Common Room (South Ken) |
JIF | Joint Infrastructure Fund |
JISC | Joint Information Systems Committee |
JMM | Joint Managers Meeting |
K | |
Kx | Kinetics Computerised Conference Office Booking System |
L | |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LD | Labour Distribution |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
LLL | Life Long Learning |
LINKED | London Imperial Network for Education Development |
M | |
MADSAC | Medical and Dental Services Advisory Committee |
MaSN | Maximum Student Number |
MBA | Master of Busines s Administration |
MIS | Management Information Systems |
MMM | Monthly Managers Meeting |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
MDH | Main Dining Hall (South Kensington Campus) |
MTS | Management Training Scheme |
N | |
NCTL | National College for Teaching and Leadership |
NICHE | National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (Dearing Committee) |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council |
NHS | National Health Service |
NIHEC | Northern Ireland Higher Education Committee |
NISS | National Information Services and Systems |
NUS | National Union of Students |
NVQ | National Vocational Qualifications |
NPIMR | Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research |
Common College Acronyms O-S
Acronym | Description |
O | |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
OU | Open University |
P | |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative |
PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate in Education |
PGR | Postgraduate Research |
PGT | Postgraduate Taught |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PRDP | Personal Review & Development Plan |
Q | |
QAAHE | Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education |
QAV | Quality Assurance and Validation |
R | |
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise |
RAMP | Research Administration Management Project |
ReMAS | Records Management and Archive Storage Project |
RCUK | Research Councils UK |
ROLE | Research Students On-line Evaluation |
RoBIC | Room Booking at Imperial College |
RSM | Royal School of Mines |
RCSR | Rector’s Committee on Student Residences |
RPA | Radiation Protection Adviser |
RPS | Radiation Protection Supervisor |
S | |
SAF | Sir Alexander Fleming Building |
SALC | Seminar and Learning Centre |
SAM | Subjects Allied to Medicine |
SAMS | Student Administration System (Registry Database) |
SCR | Senior Common Room (South Ken) |
SFC | Scottish Funding Councils for Further and Higher Education |
SHEFC | Scottish Higher Education Funding Council |
SKILL | National Bureau for Students with Disabilities |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLC | Student Loans Company |
SOLE | Student On-line Evaluation |
SDU | Staff Development Unit |
SAUL | Supperannuation Arrangements for the University of London |
SOV | Son of Validate (password database) |
SSI | Support Services Initiative |
SLTP | Supporting Learning and Teaching Programme |
SRP | Society for Radiological Protection |
STA | Standards and Testing Agency |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council (created in 2007 from a merge of Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils and Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council) |
Common College Acronyms T-W
Acronym | Description |
T | |
THES | The Times Higher Education Supplement |
TRAC | Transparent Costing |
TOAST | The Original Academic Survey of Time |
TQI | Teaching Quality Indicators |
TRG | Teaching Research Grants |
TDG | Teaching Development Grants |
U | |
UCAS | Universities & Colleges Admissions Service |
UCEA | Universities and Colleges Employers Association |
UCELNET | Universities and Colleges Education Law Ne twork |
UL | University of London |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation |
UNISON | The Public Services Union |
USS | University Superannuation Scheme |
UUK | Universities UK |
V | |
VFWP | Vote Formula Working Party |
VFM | Value for Money |
W | |
WAN | Wide Area Network |