
For all questions relating to the UMB, please contact Kathryn Charlesworth, Secretary to the Board, via  

Download the UMB paper coversheet


Terms of Reference

The University Management Board (UMB) is the guiding coalition advising the President on all major strategic, policy and operational issues, and reporting through the President to the University Council. The major functions of the UMB are as follows:

  • Identifying, guiding, overseeing and approving all major strategic initiatives, governance matters, policies and financial strategy.
  • Overseeing the university’s core academic mission of education, research and translation, and the Faculties and academic support services that deliver this mission.
  • Management of risk.
  • Prioritisation and allocation of resources.
  • Oversight of academic, operational and financial performance.


  • President, Professor Hugh Brady (Chair)
  • Provost, Professor Ian Walmsley (Deputy Chair)
  • Chief Financial Officer, Tony Lawrence 
  • Chief Operating Officer, Robert Kerse 
  • College Secretary and General Counsel, Grainne Brankin
  • Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Nigel Brandon
  • Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Jonathan Weber
  • Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor Richard Craster
  • Dean of the Imperial College Business School, Professor Francisco Veloso
  • Director of Academic Services, Richard Martin
  • Director of Communications, Zoe Paxton
  • Director of HR, Harbhajan Brar
  • Director of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Amanda Wolthuizen
  • Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience), Professor Peter Haynes
  • Vice-President (Advancement), Michael Murphy
  • Vice-President (International), Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships), Professor Maggie Dallman
  • Vice-Provost (Research & Enterprise), Professor Mary Ryan

Additional attendees may also be invited to attend specific agenda items. 

University Management Board Subcommittees 

University Management Board Subcommittees


To consider strategic issues relating to people, culture and EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion). To help Imperial’s leaders to remain proactive and make well-informed and strategically aligned decisions relating to people, which support the institution to further develop and achieve its ambitious strategy.

Core Membership

  • President (Chair)
  • Provost (Deputy Chair)
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Assistant Provost (EDI)
  • Nominee from each Faculty
  • Vice Provost (Education and Student Experience)
  • Vice Provost (Research and Enterprise)
  • Director of Communications
  • Director of Academic Services 
  • ICU President
  • Senior Consul


For all questions relating to the People and Culture Committee, please contact Amy Hill, Secretary to the Committee, via




To propose and oversee the academic mission of the College: research, education, innovation and translation activities in line with the strategic aims of the College. To oversee the development of new strategic academic initiatives and major new policies affecting the academic mission and recommend them for further consideration to the relevant committees or for approval to the University Management Board.

Core Membership

  • Provost (Chair)
  • Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience)
  • Vice-Provost (Research & Enterprise)
  • Vice-President (International)/Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)
  • Dean of each Faculty
  • Associate Provost (Estates Planning)
  • Director of Strategic Planning
  • Director of Academic Services


For all questions relating to the Academic Strategy Committee, please contact Ewan Roberts, Secretary to the Committee, via



Oversee the Annual Planning Round, the development and implementation of Financial Strategy and the College’s Investment Portfolio.

Core Membership

  • Provost (Co-Chair)
  • Chief Operating Officer (Co-Chair)
  • Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience)
  • Vice-Provost (Research & Enterprise)
  • Associate Provost (Estates Planning)
  • Vice President (International)
  • Dean of each Faculty
  • Director of Academic Services
  • Interim Chief Financial Officer
  • College Secretary
  • Director of Financial Strategy
  • Director of Strategic Planning


For all queries relating to the Finance, Planning and Investment Committee, please contact Maria Knight, Secretary to the Committee, via


Oversee the delivery of strategies, programmes, projects and significant initiatives to deliver a world leading digital and physical infrastructure and operational services to colleagues, students and other stakeholders.

Core Membership

  • Chief Operating Officer (Chair)
  • Director of Academic Services (Deputy Chair)
  • Faculty Operations Officer of each Faculty
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Director of Communications
  • Interim Chief Financial Officer
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Campus Services
  • Director of Estates Operations
  • Managing Director, ICU 


For all questions relating to Operations and Infrastructure Committee, please contact Louise Lindsay, Secretary to the Committee, via



Oversee the organisation level health, safety and environment framework, risk framework and registers, crisis management and business continuity plans. To oversee the code of ethics and corporate compliance policies and processes and support Council Audit and Risk oversight.

Core Membership

  • College Secretary and General Counsel (Chair)
  • Chief Financial Officer 
  • Director of Academic Services 
  • Vice-President (International) 
  • Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) 
  • Vice-Provost (Research & Enterprise) 
  • Chief Information Officer  
  • Faculty Operations Officer of each Faculty 
  • ICU Managing Director
  • Director of Risk Management
  • Director of HSE
  • Director of HR


For all queries relating to the Risk, Compliance and Ethics Committee, please contact Riccardo Feasey, Secretary too the Committee, via



Delivery and operation of the White City campus and activities in support of the College’s academic vision for the campus and supporting objectives of the College Strategy.

Core Membership

  • Chief Operating Officer (Co-Chair)
  • Provost (Co-Chair)
  • Vice-Provost (Research &Enterprise)
  • Vice-Provost (Education &Student Experience)
  • Vice-President (International)/Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)
  • Associate-Provost (Academic Planning)
  • Associate Provost (Estates Planning)
  • Director of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff
  • Director of Financial Strategy
  • Director of Estates Operations
  • Director of External Partnerships, Faculty of Medicine


For all questions relating to the White City Programme Board, please contact Tom Bailey, Secretary to the Board, via


To oversee the goals, priorities and implementation of the Sustainability Strategy at Imperial with the aim of being an exemplar organisation.

Core Membership

  • Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Chair)
  • Interim Chief Financial Officer (Deputy Chair)
  • Academic Leader in Sustainability
  • Representative from each Faculty
  • ICU representative
  • Silwood Park representative
  • Academic Services representative
  • ICHT NHS Trust representative
  • Director of Estates


For all questions relating to the Sustainability Committee, please contact Rhea Samra, Secretary to the Committee, via  



The UMB meets monthly and is chaired by the President with the Provost acting as Deputy Chair. Meeting dates, paper deadlines and summaries from the meetings can be found below. 

Meeting Dates

Meeting dates (Summaries internal only)Paper deadlines 
 27 September 2022 - UMB Summary - September 2022  16 September 2022
 25 October 2022 - UMB Summary - October 2022  14 October 2022
 29 November 2022 - UMB Summary - November 2022  18 November 2022
 13 December 2022 - UMB Summary - December 2022  2 December 2022
 31 January 2023 - UMB Summary - January 2023  20 January 2023
 28 February 2023 - UMB Summary - February 2023  17 February 2023
 28 March 2023 - UMB Summary - March 2023  17 March 2023
 2 May 2023 - UMB Summary - April 2023 21 April 2023
 23 May 2023 - UMB Summary - May 2023  12 May 2023
 27 June 2023 - UMB Summary - June 2023  16 June 2023
 25 July 2023  14 July 2023
Meeting dates and paper deadlines
Meeting dates (Summaries internal only)Paper deadlines 
12 September 2023 1 September 2023
 10 October 2023  29 September 2023
 14 November 2023  3 November 2023
 12 December 2023  1 December 2023
 23 January 2024   12 January 2024
 20 February 2024  9 February 2024
 12 March 2024  1 March 2024
 9 April 2024  29 March 2024
 14 May 2024  3 May 2024
 11 June 2024 31 May 2024
 9 July 2024  28 June 2024
Meeting dates and paper deadlines


For all questions relating to the UMB, please contact Kathryn Charlesworth, Secretary to the Board, via  

Meeting Dates

Please send papers to the Secretary 7 working days before the meeting via The paper deadlines can be viewed above. 

Please ensure your paper adheres to the following guidelines:
  • The University Management Board Coversheet must be included.
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and include sufficient information for decision making. Any other material should be included as a separate appendix.
  • Please ensure a member of the UMB has approved the paper before submission.
To meet accessibility guidelines, we encourage papers to include the following:
  • Consistent heading styles should be used to indicate grouping and add hierarchy to your content.
  • All figures, tables, charts etc (including in appendices) are required to be clearly and consistently labelled.
  • All link text must be clear, descriptive, and understandable without contextual content (do not use click here or include the URL).
  • Please note, if required, it is the item lead's responsibility to ensure a fully accessible version of the paper submitted to UMB is available on request.
    • To ensure accessibility, papers can be checked against the College's guidance on publishing accessible documents. Additionally, the latest version of Office (365) has an accessibility checker that highlights issues and solutions. To access, click on the Review tab within the document and then click Check Accessibility.


President's Board and Provost's Board Archive

The UMB has replaced the President's Board and the Provost's Board. The President's Board and Provost's Board webpages are available to view, including previous meeting summaries.