President's Board has now been replaced by the University Management Board.


Terms of Reference

The President's Board is chaired by the President. Its primary function is to plan for and address issues of broad, strategic, and College-wide significance. It identifies, endorses and approves strategic initiatives, governance matters and major policies, in addition to the College’s financial strategy.

Items to be considered by the President’s Board include:

  • College Strategy
  • High level strategic risks relevant to the College Strategy
  • Strategic aspects of estates, the College Masterplan, international engagements, external relationships, partnerships and fundraising.
  • Developing proposals for the College’s future annual budget for both income and capital expenditure, and medium/long term financial plans, during each Planning Round.
  • Any other items of a strategic nature referred by Provost’s Board or the Executive Group.



  • President (Chair)
  • Martyn Boutelle, Associate Provost (Academic Planning)
  • Nigel Brandon Dean, Faculty of Engineering
  • Grainne Brankin, College Secretary
  • Harbhajan Brar, Director of HR
  • Richard Craster, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Stephen Curry, Assistant Provost (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
  • Maggie Dallman, Vice-President (International) and Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)
  • Tony Lawrence, Acting Chief Financial Officer
  • Emma McCoy, Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience)
  • Michael Murphy, Vice-President (Advancement)
  • Jane Neary, Director of Campus Services
  • Zoe Paxton, Director of Communications
  • Nicholas Roalfe, Director of Estates Operation
  • Mary Ryan, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise)
  • Francisco Veloso, Dean, Imperial College Business School
  • Juan Villamil, Chief Information Officer
  • Ian Walmsley, Provost
  • Jonathan Weber, Dean, Faculty of Medicine
  • Amanda Wolthuizen, Director of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President (Secretary)

Directors reporting to the President or Provost may also be invited to attend meetings of the President’s Board.



Meeting Dates

Meeting dates and paper deadlines
Meeting dates (meeting summaries - internal only)Paper deadlines (please send papers to Kathryn Dady)
 13 September 2021 - President's Board Summary - September 2021  6 September 2021
 11 October 2021 - President's Board Summary - October 2021  4 October 2021
 8 November 2021 - President's Board Summary - November 2021  1 November 2021
 13 December 2021 - President's Board Summary - December 2021  6 December 2021
 17 January 2022 - President's Board Summary - January 2022  10 January 2022
 21 February 2022 - President's Board Summary - February 2022  14 February 2022
 14 March 2022 - President's Board Summary - March 2022  7 March 2022
 11 April 2022 - President's Board Summary - April 2022  4 April 2022
 9 May 2022 - President's Board Summary - May 2022  2 May 2022
 13 June 2022 - President's Board Summary - June 2022  6 June 2022
 11 July 2022 - President's Board Summary - July 2022  4 July 2022
Meeting dates and paper deadlines
Meeting dates and paper deadlines
Meeting dates (meeting summaries - internal only)Paper deadlines (please send papers to Kathryn Dady)
 14 September 2020 - President's Board Summary - September 2020  7 September 2020
 12 October 2020 - President's Board Summary - October 2020  5 October 2020
16 November 2020 - President's Board Summary - November 2020  9 November 2020
 14 December 2020 - President's Board Summary - December 2020  7 December 2020
 18 January 2021 - President's Board Summary - January 2021  11 January 2021
 15 February 2021 - President's Board Summary - February 2021  8 February 2021
 15 March 2021 - President's Board Summary - March 2021  8 March 2021
 19 April 2021 - President's Board Summary - April 2021  12 April 2021
 17 May 2021 - President's Board Summary - May 2021  10 May 2021
 14 June 2021 - President's Board Summary - June 2021  7 June 2021
 12 July 2021 - President's Board Summary - July 2021  5 July 2021
Dates and deadlines