The Council has seven committees. These are formally constituted with written terms of reference and specified membership, including a significant proportion of external members. All are chaired by external members of the Council. The decisions of these committees are formally reported to the Council.

Showcase area

The Finance Committee considers two College's long term financial plans and its financial operations, as well as considering risks related to liquidity, debt, resource allocation, and financial contingencies. 

The Audit and Risk Committee considers the internal and external auditors' reports together with recommendations for the improvement of the College's systems of internal control and management's responses and implementation plans. It also considers two College's strategic risks and reviews the Risk Register twice a year. It receives and considers reports from the Funding Council as they affect the College's business and monitors adherence to regulatory requirements.

Dates of next meetings:

16 November 2022

7 March 2023

2 May 2023

5 July 2023

The Nominations Committee considers nominations for membership of the Court, Council and Council's Committees.

The Remuneration Committee determines the remuneration of senior staff in the College including the Rector.

The Endowment Board manages those College assets that are not essential to the core academic mission of the College and that can therefore be managed with a pure investment focus.

The Property Committee advises the Council on the strategic development of the Imperial West site, reviews all aspects of the planned development of Imperial West, and oversees major spending decisions via the stage gate process.

The Strategy Review Committee will recive updates on on the Strategy implementation, including updates on the various sub-strategies and enabling strategies where they intersect with the deliverables of the College Strategy.
The Committee will also work with the Audit and Risk Committee especially around the Risk Register where it links to the strategic aims of the College.