Lone working must be avoided wherever possible and justified in cases where it cannot be avoided.
Where lone work is carried out the same principles that apply to lone working issues on College premises must be applied to lone working where offsite work is concerned. Risks arising from lone working offsite are likely to be more difficult to control and respond to and warrant additional consideration to reflect this.

Lone work is only be permitted after risk assessment and the development of a safe system of work based upon the outcome of the assessment.

Where lone working takes place, arrangements must be in place for communicating effectively with the lone worker e.g. by visits, radio or telephone.

Where radio or telephone communication is concerned, contingency plans must be in place in the event that a lone worker fails to check-in according to the pre-arranged schedule. These plans must be detailed in the OWERP

Activities for which lone working is strictly prohibited are:

⦁ Work in confined spaces.
⦁ Work on or near bodies of water.
⦁ Working at height e.g. Use of ladders, climbing, abseiling, rope work.
⦁ Diving operations.
⦁ Caving.
⦁ Use of firearms and explosives.
⦁ Use of chain saws