A-Z list of Safety Forms
Access Control
Access Control Application Form
Emergency Response Plan
Please read the guidance under Access control and permits before completing these forms.
Accident Reporting
The College does not operate a paper-based accident report form. To report accidents and near misses, use the electronic reporting system accessed via the home page (See above link)
Bio1 - Risk Assessment Form for Biological Agents or GMMO
Approval form for previous versions of the Bio1
Bio1 Guidance Document
CC1 - Invertebrates
Genetically Modified Plants Risk Assessment
Cessation or transfer of an activity
Controlled Plant Health or Prohibited Materials Risk Assessment (non-GM)
Please read the guidance document and any information under Biological Safety before completing the form.
COSHH Form - Updated April 2022 (Word) - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Please read the guidance under Chemical Safety before completing these form. You may also find this online guidance useful when considering COSHH.
Compressed Gases and Cryogenics
Compressed Gases Risk Assessment Form
Cryogenic Liquids Risk Assessment Form
Please read the guidance under Gases and Cryogenics before completing these form.
Decontamination, area clearance, and Permit-to-work
Equipment Decontamination Certificate
Area Clearance and Decontamination Certificate
Instructions on how to complete this certificate may be found in the Code of Practice : Decontamination of Equipment and Areas
Laboratory Permit-to-Work Form
Alternatively, hardcopy pads of PTW Forms are available from Campus / Building Managers.
Guidance on how to complete the form may be found in the Code of Practice for Controlling Access to Hazardous and Sensitive Areas
Events and Festivals
Activity Overview and Risk Assessment Template
Combined Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedure Template
May be used in current format or modified by the user to suit. Word version.
Risk Assessment Matrix
As referred to in Risk Assessment Foundation Training (RAFT)
Induction checklist
Please note - When handing in the Day One Induction Form, you must take proof of registration for the current academic year, otherwise an ID card will not be issued.
Day One Induction Form (pdf)
For staff, students and visitors expected to be on site for five days or more.
Day One Induction Guidance (pdf)
Day One Induction Flowchart (pdf)
Instructions for contractors and unaccompanied visitors (pdf)
For more information visit Induction training site
- General Office Workplace Inspection Checklist (word version)
- Alternative checklist utilising a score based system (Excel). Provided by Faculty of Life Sciences.
- Safety Inspection (Close-out) Form (WORD)
- Safety Inspection (Close-out) Form - how to complete the form (WORD)
Lone working
Apply for consent to lone work
Please read the guidance under the Lone working site before completing these form.
Machinery risk assessment form
Off Site working
Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form (FW1)
Hosted Risk Assessment Form (Hosted1)
Off Site Contact Record (Conferences etc.)
Off Site Working Emergency Response Plan
Travel workflow and guidance
For Radiation work: Off-site work registration form (DOC)
Please read the guidance under the Off Site working site before completing these form.
Pressure systems
Pressure Systems Registration Form
For supporting guidance, see Pressure Systems
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
EMF Exposure Assessment Template
Registration of personnel
Personnel registration form (DOC)
Registration of work
Work registration form A - general information
Work registration form B - unsealed radioisotopes (DOC)
Work registration form C - sealed radioactive sources (DOC)
Work registration form D - radioactive specimens (DOC)
Work registration form E - X-Ray generators (DOC)
Work registration form G - other sources (DOC)
Work registration form H - PET or SPECT (DOC) - PET or SPECT and other radioisotopes used in imaging
Off-site work registration form (DOC)
Please read the guidance under the Ionising Radiation safety site before completing these forms.
Ultra Violet Radiation
UVR Risk Assessment Template
Placement Risk Assessment Form (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
Children and Young Person Risk Assessment
Please read the guidance under the Children and Young Person site.