Outgoing (Imperial College) Staff

NEWS (3 November 2021) : There will be no further calls for applicants for "outgoing". The information on the scheme will be retained for reference only, and until the College concludes its present Erasmus project.

These are normally open to all Imperial College teaching staff, with the support of their line manager.

Erasmus+ requires visits to be structured (approved by all parties ahead of travel; including the preparation of a formal teacher exchange agreement in line with the rules of the Erasmus scheme) and for participation to be recognised in some way by the College as part of the staff member's personal development.

The current call for applications is a rolling call, for visits (ordinarily 2-7 days, including travel, with a minimum of 8 hours teaching) to take place before 30 September 2021. There are up to 3 grants available. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis. For further information please email a.hawksworth@imperial.ac.uk

However, the current pandemic may mean that visits are difficult to arrange.

The teaching that forms part of the visit can contribute to the formal curriculum of the host, but is more likely to be of a supportive nature (e.g. additional lectures, workshops). It can include PhD supervision.

If the visit combines a training element (combined visit) then the teaching element can be reduced to 4 hours.

More complicated two partner focused visits can also be considered (subject to conditions).

FOCUS: Staff Mobility (Teaching): A postdoctoral researcher visited the University of Leon in July 2019 and remarked "The Erasmus+ scheme provided me with the opportunity to improve my teaching skills by participating in the final stages of an International Master in Spain. I was able to participate in both lectures and in the final evaluation of the different practical projects that the students performed. I was one of three selected junior experts from outside Spain and I represented the neuroscience field. Sometimes for junior researchers like me it is easier to gain experience in the research field while the opportunities to improve teaching skills are more restricted. I think is important to have the opportunity to dedicate some time while pursuing postdoctoral activity to improve teaching skills. The Erasmus+ scheme provides a perfect opportunity to improve these skills even if participation is limited in duration.  Also, the diversity of the projects the students undertake allowed me to discuss in scientific terms with the different supervisors and have a closer relationship with them, which is a very important baseline for potential future collaborations. I was also able to perform a workshop about the application of confocal microscopy in the analysis of neuronal mapping where I was able to show to students tools they were unfamiliar with. I strongly recommend Erasmus to other postdoctoral staff!"

IMPORTANT: Depts at Imperial can also invite staff from enterprises (in a non-UK programme country) to teach at Imperial, and the guidance and any grant administration would be provided by Imperial (a.hawksworth@imperial.ac.uk)


Staff of other universities (non-UK and must be located in an Erasmus Programme country) are welcome to find their own host at Imperial, i.e. make direct contact with staff (sections/departments), but they should refer to the rules of participation (selection etc) provided by their home university.

  • Teaching: minimum 8 hours for a visit of one week or less. The visit can last up to 6 months, but ordinarily will be shorter. The teaching that forms part of the visit can contribute to the formal curriculum of the host, but is more likely to be of a supportive nature (e.g. additional lectures, workshops). It can include PhD supervision. PhD students themselves can participate in "teaching" activities.

To be a valid 'teaching activity' it must in theory or in practice operate on a reciprocal basis and therefore an exchange agreement is necessary. The contact at Imperial College is the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 co-ordinator: Adrian Hawksworth

Any grant to the mobile participant which may be available is ordinarily administered by the participant's home university.

A combined visit covering the minimum requirements of a teaching visit plus training activity can also be considered

Staff from enterprises may also be considered for a teaching activity (i.e. invited by a department at Imperial). The mobility grant which is available would be administered by Imperial College, and therefore the guidance for participation in their case would originate from Imperial. Contact the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 co-ordinator: Adrian Hawksworth

If a member of staff of another institution is successful in obtaining a host (department/section) at Imperial College then the host department/section should kindly assist the person to be hosted to complete the paperwork involved (i.e. it does not need to be referred elsewhere within Imperial College), which is:

  • a formal invitation in advance of the visit. Use a template tri-parite teaching plan/agreement provided by the person to be hosted.
  • arrange the bi-lateral exchaneg agreement (contact Adrian Hawksworth)
  • obtain a copy of their passport (ID page and any relevant visa page) upon arrival.
  • at the end of the visit provide a letter confirming attendance (perhaps using a template provided by the person to be hosted).
  • All participants are required to complete an on-line questionnaire for their home country's national Erasmus agency at the end.