For any issue arising from consulting the placement webpages your central College contact is Adrian Hawksworth, Assistant Registrar (Placements), Registry (South Kensington Campus). Tel: +44 (0) 207 5948044 (internal ext: 48044); Email:
Before submitting queries regarding Erasmus please read the Erasmus Brexit update.
A student's home department is responsible for managing a placement.
Adrian can be available in person (by appointment) at the Student Hub (Level 3, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus).
Other contacts which may be of assistance
- Employers and students wishing to discuss placement (curriculum-based) and internships (extra-curicula) opportunities can contact the College's Careers Service's Placement and Internship Advisors:
- For language issues related to study abroad: Dr Sheila Lecoeur, Centre For Languages, Culture and Communication, Email: