Opening hours

Open 24 hours

Staffed Monday to Friday 10.00 - 17.00

Tuesday 4 July - due to staff training the library will be open but unstaffed

Access via swipe card

Opening hours may change at short notice

+44 (0)20 7594 2461 (Monday - Friday 10.00 - 17.00)

Silwood Park Campus Library
Imperial College London
Hamilton Building
Silwood Park Campus

Campus maps and information

Your Silwood librarian is Sarah Reid 

About us

The library is on the 1st floor of the Hamilton Building.

We support research and postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Natural Sciences which are taught at Silwood Park.

There are:

  • 2 computers
  • laptop points and wireless

Books and journals

We specialise in:

plant and animal biology

Textbooks are available to support taught courses and MSc theses by past students at Silwood Park which you can borrow.

We also cover a range of related subjects in agriculture, life sciences and environmental sciences.

Our journals are accessible online and we subscribe to many highly cited titles in the field of life sciences.

Imperial members can connect to most of our e-journals, databases and e-books from off-site.

When the library is closed you can return books to the first floor landing near the library.