Evidence search service for NHS staff

Imperial College London Library offers a free evidence search service to NHS staff with full library membership.

The service provides expert searches to inform patient care, clinical teaching, service improvement and research activities.  

If your search request relates to assessed academic work as part of a course, or forms part of a full systematic review, contact your NHS Support Librarian for training and guidance on the evidence searching process. 

You can submit your search request through KnowledgeShare. To enter your request, log in to KnowledgeShare with your OpenAthens account, go to the "Evidence" tab and select “Request an Evidence Search”. Then fill in the online form.  

You can check to see if your request can be accepted by using the diagram below. If you have any questions, please contact your NHS Support Librarian

Evidence search flowchartAccessible description of Evidence Search flowchart

Terms and conditions

Please specify how urgent the search is on the request form, giving a date by which you require the results. Whilst we will endeavour to complete searches within the deadline requested, we cannot guarantee search results will be received within this date and you may be contacted to establish a more realistic timeframe. Providing as much detail as possible in your search request and responding quickly to any queries from the librarian carrying out the search will help to prevent delays.

Whilst care will be taken in the selection of the materials included in evidence search results, Library Services are not responsible for the content or the accuracy of the research information provided. Library Services will not be held responsible or liable for any omissions to pertinent research information not included as part of the results of any evidence search.

Any usage or reproduction of the search must acknowledge the work of the librarian that produced it, and they must be kept informed of any resulting publications. NHS staff who receive a search should complete the feedback form within KnowledgeShare.