Lunchtime workshops are intended for undergraduate students. Booking is required. Please book by clicking the link for the session(s) you choose.

Academic skills

Critical evaluation of sources 

Being able to critically evaluate the academic information you read in peer-reviewed articles, reviews and conference papers will help you save time while studying and assist you in writing clearer assignments. In this session you will discover why critical evaluation of sources is important, identify and utilise tips and tools to help you critically evaluate more effectively, and receive a brief introduction to evaluating statistics. 

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • understand what critical evaluation is and why it is important
  • identify and use strategies to help you critically evaluate more effectively
 9 February 2023  13.00 - 14.00   Group Study Room 2A Delivered
Workshop dates

You may also be interested in

Graduate School 

Master’s students: Research effectiveness: Critical thinking

Centre for Academic English 

Master’s studentsWorkshops for master's students Critical writing

Preparing your first literature review

You will learn what a literature review is and get advice on how to prepare one, even if you have never done this type of writing before. Find out about effective reading strategies, selecting and evaluating suitable academic sources, and organising your literature review. 

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • identify the difference between the research and writing processes of a literature review
  • identify the key stages of preparing a literature review
  • understand the importance of effective source selection and evaluation
  • start planning the structure of a literature review 
 2 February 2023  12.00 - 13.00   Training Room 2 Delivered
 9 May 2023   12.00 - 13.00   Training Room 2 Delivered
 15 June 2023 13.00 - 14.00  Online Delivered
Summary of the table's contents

You may also be interested in: 

Graduate School 

PhD StudentsResearch Communication Developing and Producing your Research: literature review

Master's students: Writing for Masters Literature review

Strategies for note-taking

This workshop will introduce you to three methods for note-taking from texts and lectures (linear, mind-mapping and Cornell). You will have an opportunity to practice using hands-on exercises. We will also introduce apps available through Imperial to support note-taking strategies. 

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • develop an understanding of methods and strategies for taking notes from online lectures and reading texts
  • differentiate between three note-taking strategies and choose one for your own academic practice
  • apply a note-taking method to a close reading of a short text 
  • understand the benefits of using apps for note-taking
10 January 2023 12.00 - 13.00 Training Room 2 Cancelled
 7 February 2023 12.00 - 13.00 Training Room 2 Delivered
Summary of the table's contents

You may also be interested in:

Centre for Academic English 

For international students: Listening and speaking courses on lecture listening and speed listening

Strategies for effective revision and online assessment

This session will cover revision strategies and relevant assessment process with special focus on Timed Remote assessments. (TRA). You will also be introduced to the range of existing resources on processes, conditions, and regulations and consider how to effectively apply these to support your own revision toolkit.

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Critically evaluate your current practice for revising
  • List the assessment processes, conditions, and regulations relevant to your context (noting specifically, those that apply to online environments)
  • Apply existing resources effectively to support your own revision toolkit
 30 March 2023  12.00 - 13.00  Training Room 1 Delivered
Workshop dates