Access to Turnitin submissions prior to July 2022
Why has the Turnitin interface changed?
Ahead of the 2022-23 academic year, the integration between College Blackboard and Turnitin has been upgraded to the latest version to maintain support from the vendor.
The new integration displays a different icon and a new interface when submitting to Turnitin, this will allow staff and students to continue submitting assignments to Turnitin in Blackboard Learn courses for the new 2022-2023 academic year.
What has changed?
Access to Turnitin submissions prior to July 2022
Historically, to access Turnitin Submissions via Blackboard Learn staff were advised to login to Blackboard Learn, navigate to the course and in the Course Management menu, select Control Panel > Course Tools > Turnitin Assignments.
**The new integration does not contain this functionality and it is therefore no longer available.
Staff must now Login to Turnitin to access the Turnitin Submission that have been submitted via the old integration.
Once logged in to staff can select Blackboard courses from previous years. The screen shot below shows an example course list, to find the assignment you wish to access select the course the Turnitin Assignment was created in.
Example: DEMO12345 - Turnitin Demonstration Course _29290_1
This will display all the Turnitin Assignments associated with that course.
Select View to view all the submissions in a Turnitin Assignment Inbox.
For further information about the Turnitin LTI, please see the Turnitin support page