Turnitin (for staff)
Access to Turnitin submissions prior to July 2022
The way in which Turnitin assignments are accessed changed in July 2022. If you need to access Turnitin submission inboxes created prior to July 2022 please see our help page for further information.
Student assignments can be uploaded to Turnitin and then cross-referenced with the contents of Turnitin’s database. A Similarity Report is generated that displays the percentage of matched text in an assignment. Submissions can also be graded using the Turnitin Feedback Studio.
Assignments can either be submitted by students via a Blackboard course or directly to the Turnitin website by a member of staff.
Turnitin is not ‘plagiarism detection' software: it is text-matching software and is not a substitute for academic judgement. It is the responsibility of staff and students to analyse a similarity report, check to reference and make an academic judgement on whether too much of the text matches with other sources. Your Faculty Ed Tech team can advise you further with regards to this.