Scheduled Recordings are Panopto sessions that are created in advance to take place at a set time and in a dedicated teaching space. 

Scheduled Recordings can only be made using a Remote Recorder that is installed by ICT on a teaching space lectern computer.

  • A scheduled recording starts and finishes at a designated time and location.
  • The audio-visual equipment settings for Remote Recorders are preconfigured by ICT and cannot be changed per recording. 
  • Recording will start and end automatically and the only requirement of the presenter is to wear a microphone. 
  • Once a scheduled recording has been made, it can be edited, shared and managed in the same way as any other recording.
  • Scheduled recordings cannot be made using the Personal Recorder. Ensure you check the recorder type available in each teaching space you are using before making a recording.

Scheduled Recordings can only be scheduled by members of staff with the videographer role in Panopto,are usually administrated by Faculty Ed-Tech teams. If you need to create Scheduled Recordings, contact your Faculty Ed-Tech team for more information. If you work in a Non-academic Department, do not have Ed Tech support, and need to create a Scheduled Recording, then please see the "Scheduling non-academic" tab below for further details. 

Schedule a Panopto recording

Schedule using Panopto

Staff with a Videographer role can create scheduled recordings for teaching spaces that have the remote recorder installed.

Instructions on how to manually schedule recordings can be found on the Panopto Support pages.

NOTE: Do not manually schedule recordings in teaching spaces integrated with Celcat (See "Schedule using Panopto-Celcat" tab).


Schedule using Panopto-Celcat

The Panopto-Celcat integration enables automatic scheduling of recordings, based on the data in the Celcat timetabling system, for participating departments.

Bookings in Celcat are called an event. When a lecture event is scheduled in Celcat, a scheduled recording is automatically created in Panopto that corresponds to the date, time and room of the Celcat booking.

For a successful recording to take place, the following requirements should be considered:

  • Only Lecture events will be recorded by default. Other Categories need to be set to record in Celcat. See below for further instructions.
  • The event has been scheduled by a participating department.
  • An event needs to have a module assigned to it and that module is registered to a Panopto folder
  • The event is taking place in a room with the Panopto scheduled recorder installed.
  • The Panopto Field for lecture events in Celcat will be set to Record and No Webcast if it is left blank when the lecture event is created. This only needs to be altered if a lecture event needs to have a webcast added (in which case the custom2 field should be set to Record and Webcast) or should not be recorded (in which case the custom2 field should be set to No record and No webcast); or if a non-lecture event needs to be recorded.
  • Once the Panopto Field has a setting applied by a user or because it is left blank and the default behaviour for the event type is applied, all further changes to the Panopto Field must be made by a user in Celcat. Changing the type of an existing event in Celcat will not result in any changes to the Panopto Field (i.e. no alternative default behaviour will be applied).

Changing the recording status of an event:

  1. Click on the event to open the dialog box.
  2. Click on the Misc tab and then click on the drop-down box under the Panopto field.
  3. You will then have three options to choose from. Select the appropriate option and then click on the Save button.

Bulk changes to the Panopto status of events can be achieved using the event wizard. If you require bulk changes to be made, please contact the Central Timetabling Office with the nature of your request. 

How far in advance should the Celcat-Panopto interface create Panopto schedules?

It is highly recommended that recordings are scheduled 24 hours in advance.

The system is setup to transfer data from Celcat into Panopto in 2-hour intervals. The system creates the schedules in Panopto within 2 hours of an event having been created or amended in Celcat.

How should changes to Panopto schedules be managed?

Any scheduled recordings in Panopto which have been created via Celcat should never be amended or deleted from within Panopto. Such sessions can be identified by the Celcat Event ID as part of the session name.

Where will the recordings go?

Events will be recorded into a folder in Panopto that corresponds to the module it was scheduled with in Celcat.

Where events are associated with multiple modules, the integration will record into the module folder with the lowest alpha numeric module code with an associated folder ID.

How will events scheduled across multiple Panopto enabled rooms be recorded?

Events in multiple Panopto enabled rooms will have all the rooms recorded and the onus will be on the session owner to publish the recording from the primary location. Redundant recordings should be deleted afterwards.

How will event clashes be resolved?

Celcat allows two events to be scheduled in the same room with the same date and time.  Panopto does not allow this and only one event can be scheduled in the same room on the same day and time. 

If two or more events are scheduled to record in the same room at the same day and time in Celcat this will cause a "clash", the integration will only create a Panopto schedule for the first event that was created in Celcat. An email will be sent to the department about the timetabling clash. A clash is also possible if an event is created in Celcat with the same date, time and room as a manually created Panopto schedule (contact your Faculty Ed-Tech lab for assistance if you believe this is the case).

To resolve the clash you should either ensure that only one of the clashing events in Celcat is set to be recorded or remove/move the conflicting events to another room/day/time as appropriate.

Once the scheduling clash has been resolved in Celcat, please remember to open and save the remaining event to ensure that the integration will re-attempt to schedule the correct event in Panopto.

Learn more about Celcat Events and how to manage them.


For departments using Panopto-Celcat integration, the fields relating to the publication of an event can be completed in the same way on the template i.e. Panopto field and event category type.

Learn more about Rollover

Schedule using Self Service tool

The Panopto Administration Self Service tool is a web-based application that allows Imperial Ed-Tech Lab staff with the videographer role in Panopto to manage folders, sessions and user permissions by submitting csv files in a specific format.

Please see our support page for more information.

Scheduling non-academic

If you are a member of a Non-academic Department and are not supported by an Ed-Tech team or Learning Technologist, please log a request with the ICT service desk containing the information below:

  • Name of the recording
  • Folder where the recording should be stored (please provide URL or Folder ID from Panopto)
  • Remote Recorder that should be used for the recording
  • Date
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Should the recording be "live streamed"?

Please Note

  • Please allow 2 working days after submitting for the request to be processed.
  • Scheduled recordings will only be accepted by members of staff with the Creator role in Panopto.