Upgrade to Windows 10
IMPORTANT! College laptops and desktops which are on Windows 7 pose a security risk and are not supported by Microsoft, or by College ICT. Devices operating Windows 7 will no longer have access to the College network. Please contact the ICT Service Desk if your device is affected by this.
In January 2023, Microsoft withdrew extended support for Windows 7. Running an out-of-date operating system makes your device more susceptible to data breaches and virus attacks, putting both yourself and the College's data at risk. You can read more about this on our Be Secure web pages.
Next steps
ICT is working with the College community to ensure that devices running Windows 7 are either upgraded or replaced quickly and with as little disruption as possible.
If you are using a device that is still running Windows 7, a notification will pop up each time you log in, if you see this notification, complete our Windows 7 upgrade/replacement form in ASK so that an ICT engineer can dicuss your options, these include:
- Replacing your old computer running Windows 7 with a brand new computer (this could be a desktop or a laptop depending on requirements).
- If the computer offered by ICT does not meet your required specifications, we can contribute up to £700 to a new computer.
- In instances where staff have an old Desktop running Windows 7, in addition to a College managed laptop running Windows 10, they will not qualify for an additional free computer to replace their desktop. In these situations, staff are required to return their old desktop to ICT for appropriate disposal.