Imperial College Analytics
Problems exporting ICA data to Microsoft Excel 2007+
Within ICA you have the option to export your data to Microsoft Excel 2007 and above. However, when exporting to this format the date fields are not recognised as dates. As a result, it is not possible to sort these columns without modifying the data in Excel. You can then sort this data in to A-Z format.
Why does ICA reject my password?
ICA can only support alpha-numeric passwords with basic punctuation. If you are unable to login to ICA, it may be because your password contains one or more unsupported characters. Try changing your password to resolve the issue.
It is possible to meet the criteria for our password security requirements without using unsupported characters.
Microsoft Power BI
How does publishing data to the Microsoft Power BI Service affect Intellectual Property?
IP is unchanged by use of Microsoft Power BI. Microsoft does not appropriate the IP of any content uploaded to its services, and this is enshrined in our contract with them. Users should apply the same cautions to sharing data via Power BI as they would apply with any other platform.
How secure is my data in Microsoft Power BI?
Microsoft Power BI is an ISO27001 accredited product, meaning it is compliant with internationally agreed information governance standards. There are ample settings to ensure access to data is restricted only to those who need access to it. Additionally, users are encouraged to limit the use of personal identifiable data in any data sets they produce to only vital information. All users, including end users, are required to confirm they have undertaken College information governance training before being given access.
I am a student. Can I get access to Microsoft Power BI to use on my project?
Microsoft Power BI is not being enabled for students at this time.