Academic appointments
This page provides guidance on how to recruit academic staff to the College, along with key links to related policies and information. If you need to speak directly with the recruitment team, please utilise the contact button below.
If you are looking to hire a someone who is currently overseas and/or needs to obtain the right to work in the UK, please ensure you read through the visa and right to work guidance.
Guidance for hiring managers on the Work Location Framework
As the College is trialling a Work Location Framework until early 2023, please review our Guidance for hiring managers on the Work Location Framework before starting your recruitment.
Recruitment authorisation for academic posts
This guidance applies to all roles which are for 8 weeks or longer. Managers wishing to recruit an individual for short term assignment can do so going through the usual appropriate channels, but the assignment cannot be extended past 7 weeks.
- For each role, you must obtain permission from the Faculty Dean, following your Faculty’s approval process, authorising the recruitment.
- Recruitment can then be initiated in the normal manner through the Recruitment Hub or the Senior Appointments team.
Flex content - aca appointments
Helpful resources
Role of the Academic Adviser
Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers – Appointments Committee Membership
Membership of the Appointments Committee should be approved by the Head of Department and consist of the following:
Assistant Professors and Non Clinical Lecturers and Senior Lecturers
A quorum of five from the following:
- Head of Department (Chair), or a senior nominee;
- For the Faculty of Medicine: Faculty Dean, or a Vice-Dean (Chair), or their senior nominee
- At least three other members of academic staff:
- one should be from a panel elected by and from the academic staff of the department
- one or two may be from other departments
- at least one should be non‐professorial;
- College Consul from the relevant Faculty:
- the College Consul should not be from the department in which the appointment is to be made ‐ where this occurs an alternative College Consul must be sought;
- if the College Consul from the relevant Faculty is not available for the interview, an alternative College Consul must be sought
- At the discretion of the Head of Department, other members who in his/her judgement would enhance the selection process.
Clinical Senior Lecturers
- Faculty Dean, or a Vice-Dean (Chair), or their senior nominee;
- Head of Department, or a senior nominee;
- Head of Group/Division;
- One or two other academic members of the Department:
- one should be non‐professorial and drawn from the list of elected panel members;
- College Consul from the relevant Faculty:
- the College Consul should not be from the department in which the appointment is to be made ‐ where this occurs an alternative College Consul must be sought;
- if the College Consul from the relevant Faculty is not available for the interview, an alternative College Consul must be sought
- NHS Trust Representative;
- Royal College Representative:
- Once approval to the Job Description is given by the relevant Royal College (the Department should seek this approval prior to the advertisement of the post), a copy of the approval letter/email should be sent to the AAC Administrator at that Royal College asking them to provide names of their representatives so that they can be contacted by the Department in order to secure a rep to attend the AAC (Advisory Appointments Committee). Normally, the Department should fix the AAC date before contacting the representatives.
- Independent External Assessor in the area being recruited.
Clinical Lecturers
- Head of Department (Chair), or a senior nominee;
- Faculty Dean, or a Vice-Dean, or their senior nominee;
- Head of Group/Division;
- College Consul from the relevant Faculty:
- the College Consul should not be from the department in which the appointment is to be made ‐ where this occurs an alternative College Consul must be sought;
- if the College Consul from the relevant Faculty is not available for the interview, an alternative College Consul must be sought
- NHS Trust Representative;
- Postgraduate Deanery Representative (if the post requires a National Training Number (NTN) and will count towards specialist training).
Chair, Professor, Reader, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow and Principal Research Fellow – Appointments Committee Membership
- Dean of the relevant Faculty
- The Dean of the relevant faculty will act as Chair of the Advisory Committee, or his/her nominee.
- Other Internal Members
- A College Consul from relevant Faculty
- the College Consul should not be from the department in which the appointment is to be made ‐ where this occurs an alternative College Consul must be sought;
- if the College Consul from the relevant Faculty is not available for the interview, an alternative College Consul must be sought
- The Head of Department
- One other senior member of the Department
- other senior representatives of the Department may also attend, as required
- the Committee should have female representation
- every possible effort must be made to have members with varied backgrounds
- A College Consul from relevant Faculty
- Named/Sponsored post – Representative(s) from the Sponsor should also be invited to attend
- External Experts
- At least two people external to the College (without association with the College) who have expertise in the discipline concerned.
- Externals should be of appropriate seniority, be able to express an independent view, and be familiar with the criteria for professorships and readerships of research-based universities in the UK.
- The names of proposed External Experts should be provided by the Department/Faculty.
- For Clinical Posts
- Representatives of the NHS Trust(s) where the appointee will have the appropriate Honorary Contract with should be invited to attend:
- normally the Chief Executive, particularly with regard to the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and the West London Mental Health NHS Trust (WLMHT).
- Medical Director and the Divisional Director of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT), or their nominees.
- If more than one Trust is involved, representation must be agreed by the Trusts in consultation with the Head of Department.
- A representative from the relevant Royal College – the Senior Appointments team will arrange for the appropriate representative to attend.
- Representatives of the NHS Trust(s) where the appointee will have the appropriate Honorary Contract with should be invited to attend:
Appointment of Chair, Professor, Reader, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow and Principal Research Fellow
Appointment of Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers
Appointment of Professor of Practice
The process
Step 1 |
Department/Faculty determines need to recruit |
Step 2 |
Department/Faculty prepares paperwork - this includes Further Particulars (JD, person specification) Public Advertisement Draft advertisement and complete Request to Recruit email Nomination Justification must be written and signed by the owner of the proposal explaining why the appointment is to be made via nomination rather than advertising (the College’s preferred method). The CV of the nominated individual must be included. |
Step 3 |
Dean gives their approval – following their faculty internal process |
Step 4 |
Department/Faculty emails the above paperwork to: Senior Appointments Team: Maria Monteiro, Welcome Service and Senior Appointments Manager Tel: +44 2075945498; Nina Tailor, Welcome Service and Senior Appointments Coordinator Tel: +44 207594 7529 |
Step 5 |
If advertisement, the Senior Appointments Team places the advert in TalentLink and any other relevant media. |
Step 6 |
If nomination, the Senior Appointments Team seeks approvals from the Assistant Provost (Academic Promotions), Senior Consul and HR Director for the appointment to proceed via the nomination procedure. |
Step 7 |
Advisory Committee (Interview Panel) Following on from approvals, the Senior Appointments Team organises panel composition in liaison with Department/Faculty. The interview panel should comprise (considering equality and diversity): Dean (Chair), Assistant-Provost (Academic Promotions) may attend, if he wishes to do so, Senior Consul, Head of Department, at least one other senior member of the Department/Faculty and two external experts (Two Professors outside Imperial College in the field which is being recruited to). Senior Appointments Team then send invitations out, fix interview date, book venue and catering and so forth. |
Step 8 |
Shortlisting (if post was advertised) Senior Appointments Team sends applications for shortlisting to the Advisory Committee |
Step 9 |
Shortlisted candidates or Nominated Candidate Senior Appointments Team invites shortlisted candidate(s) or nominated candidate (as the case may be) to interview, rejects other(s) no shortlisted, takes up references, sends paperwork to Advisory Committee |
Step 10 |
Interview Shortlisted / Nominated candidate(s) are interviewed. Advisory Committee recommends successful candidate(s) for appointment. The Senior Appointments Team attends interviews, takes notes, checks & photocopies candidate(s)’ passports. |
Step 11 |
Offer of appointment Department/Faculty offers post to the candidate, negotiates salary in line with College’s procedures, moving costs, with Senior Appointments Team’s assistance, as necessary. Department/Faculty emails Senior Appointment Team the offer details. |
Step 12 |
Contract The Senior Appointments Team does pre-employment checks, prepares contract of employment, sends contract out to candidate. |
Step 13 |
Signed contract Senior Appointments Team sends copy of the signed contract to Department, retains a copy for staff file and announces the acceptance and sets up the new starter on College database (ICIS). |
Step 14 |
First day of new member of staff Department, with help of the Welcome Office, as necessary, arranges induction programme for new staff – Department receives joining forms and sends copy plus signed contract to Payroll. HR or Department checks passport first thing on first day (before any commencement of work) and photocopies main page and prepare RTW checks (if not done on interview day or before start date). |
Step 15 |
For extension of Professor of Practice's appointment In order to extend Professor of Practice's appointment (members of staff/employees), the following procedure will need to be followed:
These approvals should be sent to the Senior Appointments Team (Maria Monteiro, at and Nina Tailor, at who will then seek the approval of the Assistant Provost (Academic Promotions).
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