Operational services
Roles in this family are concerned with operating and running the facilities of the College. They involve direct or indirect service provision for students and staff, through for example, catering, cleaning, gardening, moving and storing materials, sorting mail, providing a security presence and other site services or sport or sporting activity. Some roles are about providing these services personally, others enable or manage the services.
Operational flex boxes
Operational services job family levels and guidance
Level 4
Roles at this level involve either line management responsibility for a significant unit or analysis and advice drawing on extensive practical technical understanding. There will be responsibility for financial performance and there may be responsibility for project or contract management. All roles involve a wide range of interaction with, and influencing of, others.
Operational roles above Level 4 are found in the Professional Services job family. They involve either line responsibility for significant areas of the estate, operation or leisure facilities and services, or design and project management drawing on a professional qualification and some experience. The finanacial impact is significant, whether it is upon directly managed resources, projects or assets.
Representative work activities
Managerial roles:
- Lead the operational management of a significant facility, service or support team, clarifying requirements, monitoring progress and correcting any problems of service or financial performance
- Contribute to policy setting and establish plans for the service area
- Ensure agreed strategy, policies and business plans are implemented
- Resolve short term conflicts in priorities, proposing solutions for resolving long-term problems to more senior management
- Recruit, develop and motivate staff, taking steps to deal with poor performance
- Review customer satisfaction and take steps to improve the service where necessary
- Ensure the service or facility meets all relevant legal requirements and complies with best practice and quality standards
More technically focused roles:
- Draw on experience and expertise to design practical solutions to problems
- Specify service requirements on behalf of the College or customer, e.g. for a maintenance or
improvement programme to include managing contracts and consultants - Contribute to service improvement in accordance with longer term departmental objectives
- Plan own work
- Lead a small team of staff permanently or in project activity
- Coach others in area of professional/specialist expertise
Either role type
- Contribute to the annual planning process, development of departmental objectives, policy and service improvement
- Contribute as required to business/income development as well as managing the budget and securing quality
- Work with customers, other services and external agencies, as appropriate, to review and develop the service
Knowledge, skills and experience
- May involve part professional qualification plus relevant practical experience, or the equivalent relevant practical experience
- Capable of analysing and solving a wide range of operational problems
- Understanding of the College planning, financial and management processes
- Ability to control budgets and contracts for goods and services
- For managerial roles, ability to recruit, develop and motivate staff
Performance criteria
Evidence of:
- Financial and service performance for relevant areas, e.g. from staff/customer feedback
- Quality of advice and contribution to achieving departmental objectives
- Innovation in approach to developing the service
- Contribution to income development if applicable
Level 3
Roles at this level either manage operational services work of some volume or complexity or provide advice and technical input based on extensive practical learning. Dealing with people is an important ingredient, whether they are staff managed by the jobholder, contractors or customers, and there is often budgetary responsibility or impact.
Representative work activities
Managerial roles:
- Establish and review work requirements taking account of customer needs, College policies and available resources
- Plan own and others’ work for weeks and months ahead
- Implement plans for a service area ensuring effective operation
- Ensure staff are trained to required standards
- Monitor staff performance and take action to improve where needed
- Review customer satisfaction and, following discussion with more senior managers if appropriate, take steps to improve the service where necessary
- Review expenditure against budget, instigating corrective actions as necessary
- Ensure health and safety regulations are met
Non-managerial roles:
- Provide advice to colleagues and customers based on in-depth knowledge and technical expertise
- Analyse problems, diagnose and implement solutions seeking agreement where appropriate
- Plan own work for weeks and months ahead
- Discuss and resolve problems or new requirements with customers, line managers and other colleagues
- Coach others to help them acquire skills and experience
Either role type
- Contribute ideas for service improvement, changes to procedures and forward planning.
- Discuss and resolve problems and concerns with customers and/or contractors
- Ensure that the service meets agreed needs
knowledge, skills and experience
- Vocational training plus practical experience, or the equivalent in practical experience
- Knowledge of College policies and processes
- Ability to solve a range of day-to-day problems without reference to others
- Skills in planning and organising work and services
- For managerial roles, ability to motivate staff, dealing with poor performance
Performance criteria
Evidence of:
- Quality and reliability of services provided/individual work, e.g. from customer feedback
- Effectiveness of planning and prioritising
- Effective problem solving
- Customer satisfaction
- Flexibility
- Effectiveness in staff supervision, where appropriate
- Quality of contribution to the service and its development
Level 2
Roles at this level either plan, supervise and review work done at Level 1 or are engaged in activities which use technical and practical skills drawn from vocational training or equivalent past experience. They involve planning of at least the jobholders own and/or others’ work, and accountability for the quality of the work carried out.
Representative work activities
Supervisory Roles:
- Supervise a schedule of activities or elements for straightforward processes to ensure that staff are clear what is required of them (a cleaning schedule, a work rota, a weekly menu, etc)
- Monitor and review the quality of work done
- Take action to improve standards when necessary
- Communicate work requirements and any concerns to staff initially, raising any unresolved problems (e.g. equipment failure, staff discipline) with line management
- Ensure health and safety requirements are fully met
- May involve doing or demonstrating the work tasks
Non Supervisory Roles:
- Clarify the work requirement with colleagues, manager or customer as needed
- Assess the work circumstances, material required etc to ensure it can be done properly and decide how to go about it
- Plan own work preparing for specific tasks and prioritising immediate requirements (e.g. for the day or week)
- Discuss and resolve any immediate problems with colleagues, manager or customer
Either role type
- Maintain information on databases and other work records as required
- May involve responsibility for stock and equipment
Knowledge, skills and experience
- Vocational training plus some practical experience, or the equivalent in practical experience
- Ability to plan or schedule work for days and weeks
- Understanding of relevant legislation and quality standards
- Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with staff, students, customers and contractors
- For supervisory roles, ability to motivate and organise staff effectively to achieve desired results
- Self-motivated with an ability to use own initiative
Performance criteria
Evidence of:
- Quality and reliability of services provided/individual work, e.g. from customer feedback
- Effectiveness of planning and prioritising
- Problem-solving
- Flexibility
Level 1
Roles at this level involve providing services in support of students and staff often as part of a team engaged in similar activities. The procedures and routines are well established and subject to direct supervision. There is no requirement for planning beyond the prioritisation of tasks.
Representative work activities
- Carry out a range of routine tasks to a set standard
- Operate equipment in a standardised way to achieve the required tasks
- Carry out basic equipment maintenance as required
- Carry out routine record keeping as required
- Check and pass on information as required in contacts with staff, students and/or the public
- Clarify work instructions as necessary
- Raise concerns or problems which arise during the work with appropriate staff e.g. the line manager
- Comply with procedures, including those governing health and safety
Knowledge, skills & experience
- Generally no specific qualifications required prior to appointment but the learning process at work may involve short courses, e.g. manual handling
- Knowledge of the organisation of the College e.g. site locations, staff names and jobs, regulations and practices
- Ability to use basic equipment, e.g. vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, telephone
- Understanding of health and safety requirements
Performance criteria
Evidence of:
- Quality and accuracy of work, e.g. from customer feedback
- Reliability
- Commitment and enthusiasm
- Flexibility