Workplace adjustments, previously known as reasonable adjustments, is the legal term for any adaptation made in the workplace to ensure equal access and opportunity for a disabled person. 

Adjustments should empower a disabled member of staff and prevent any disadvantage compared to non-disabled colleagues. Adjustments can be very simple and can include adapting working arrangements or environmental aspects of the workplace. Adjustments will vary according to the nature of the disability, how it affects the member of staff’s work and their role at Imperial. The member of staff should be considered as an expert on the effects of their disability and the support that they need. 

If you are a staff member or a line manager (supporting a member of staff) and would like to discuss workplace adjustment needs, then please fill out the form below.

The purpose of this form is to gain an understanding of what adjustments may be required, and how best the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Centre (EDIC) can support you so that the adjustments are put in place within a reasonable time frame. Once submitted, EDIC will follow up and advise on next steps. 

All applications are confidential.

If you are a line manager or have a supervisory role, please also refer to our Supporting disabled staff effectively: Guidance for managers (pdf) 

If you have any queries please email EDIC: with the subject heading Workplace Adjustment.