Gender and ethnicity quartiles
This chart shows the gender split when we order hourly rate of pay from highest to lowest and group into four equal quartiles.
The proportion of women in the upper quartile has remained virtually unchanged since last year (31.9% from 31.8% a year ago); however, there is now a very slightly higher proportion of women employed across the College (46% of the staff population compared to 45.3% a year ago).
There is only a minor downward shift in the proportion of women in the upper-middle quartile (from 48.7% a year ago to 48.1% in 2022). This is reflected in the increase in the median pay gap (the median figure starts in the upper middle quartile). For academic staff, while there remains a pay gap overall, within all grades (with the exception of Lecturer), some gaps are negative in favour of women (Senior Lecturers, Readers and Professors). This is consistent with the findings last year. For professional, technical and operational grades, the proportion of women in levels 6 and 7 have increased slightly since last year and we have also seen this trend across the middle grades too (levels 4 and 3b). These factors have contributed to a reduction in the mean gender pay gap.