Supporting an inclusive culture and leadership
We will ensure all staff are supported so they can perform at their best.
Our plans
The picture today
There are pockets of positive and impactful leadership across College; our challenge is to support our leadership population to role model values based leadership across all teams. There are opportunities to improve Performance Review and Development Planning (PRDP) and to address the factors that inspire motivated individuals and teams, including wellbeing, workload and career development.
Our ambition
- Deliver a PRDP process that enables an improved experience for all.
- PRDPs help staff feel clear, supported, and motivated about their development, performance, and objectives.
- The process supports and improves individual performance and contributes to organisational success.
- A streamlined and improved recording process captures useful information and makes reviews easier to manage.
- Values are embedded into PRDPs enabling on-going behavioural feedback and development.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges and improve the PRDP process, we will:
- Complete the consultation and changes from the PRDP review to make the process more effective and valuable to staff, managers, and the organisation.
- Incorporate the College’s Values and Behaviours.
- Support managers and staff to develop skills that will allow them to maximise the benefits of the PRDP.
- Engage with HR systems colleagues to develop a ‘module’ for the PRDP when there is a new HR system.
We will provide support for individual, group, and organisational learning at all stages of Imperial careers.
Our plans
The picture today
There is a strong development offer across the College, although this may not be accessed by all.
There are many opportunities to continue to improve how we work and learn at an individual and organisational level, more closely supporting the strategic direction of the College and equipping people with the support, skills and knowledge to help Imperial thrive now and in the future.
Our ambition
- Continue to support the development of our culture and leadership to enable the College to adapt, collaborate and respond beyond its traditional structures and hierarchies.
- Inspire and equip the community to create open, safe and inclusive Values- led environments in which staff feel empowered and confident to work together in respectful and collaborative ways.
- Support individuals and the organisation to learn and develop in order to thrive and achieve continued success.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges, we will:
- Continue to refine the offer to adapt to the changing needs of the community.
- Build our OD consultancy across the College to ensure culture development, organisational design and change management support is embedded.
- Create links between departmental and individual goals and development plans.
- Build the capacity of our Leaders and Managers to manage and develop talent across their teams.
We will embed common values and positive behaviours across the organisation. We will strive to eliminate bullying and harassment.
Our plans
The picture today
The Staff Survey shows a strong positive experience of working at the College, although there are variations across teams. There are opportunities to improve confidence in addressing poor behaviour and encouraging staff to raise concerns, as there are in supporting managers to confront challenging situations.
There is a perception that all managers do not feel able to discuss poor behaviour and or that action will be taken if concerns are raised. There is a belief that the new Values and Behaviours framework can further improve the culture and working environment.
Our ambition
- Consistently positive values and behaviours are experienced by staff, wherever they work at the College.
- Individuals feel supported and more confident to raise issues early with their manager or colleagues to prevent escalation.
- Where individuals require further support, it is easier for them disclose bullying and harassment, to feel supported and for this to be addressed.
- People work within an environment of collaboration, constructive challenge, and healthy dialogue.
- Staff feel confident to use the Imperial Values to give and receive feedback and praise in day-to-day conversations.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges and improve our workplace, we will:
- Embed Imperial Values and Behaviours in Human Resources processes including recruitment, reward, development and promotions.
- Support Leaders and teams to embed the values across their relationships and working processes to build positive working environments.
- Incorporate Imperial Values and Behaviours in the Leadership and Management development offer.
- Our values will underpin our approach to our work and how we relate to our colleagues and each other.