Finding and developing diverse talent
We will reach the best candidates and find new talent with a diverse range of backgrounds and skills to fill a wide range of roles.
Our plans
The picture today
Today, our Recruitment Hub provides a direct service to most areas of the College. The Temporary Worker team has been established and system implementation is underway. In our recruitment practices, we promote diversity and inclusivity.
However, issues with integration to ICIS and the approval process contribute to challenges with our recruitment processes, while the availability of resources and the complexity of generating contracts affect their turnaround time.
Our ambition
- Develop our in-house temporary worker team and systems. This will enable us to take a ‘full service’ approach to temporary worker recruitment and avoid using costly agencies.
- Cut recruitment time by building a pipeline of talented candidates.
- Implement a new Applicant Tracking System (ATS) (with full integration to ERP).
- Achieve high levels of satisfaction from managers and candidates.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges and improve our recruitment service, we will:
- Implement College Values across our recruitment processes.
- Reduce the use of external agencies to increase the capacity for in-house search and create a talent pool.
- Establish an employer brand, which promotes Imperial as an employer, and also develop and implement a programmatic approach for recruitment.
- Increase the use of automation in our recruitment processes.
We will ensure that we remain an attractive employer and that achievement and contribution are recognised and rewarded.
Our plans
The picture today
The Total Remuneration Package outlines our ambition and promotes dialogue on the College’s remuneration provision. The annual review of pay is based on national comparators and pay gaps are reviewed against the College comparison group.
Voluntary turnover is analysed annually by grade, growth by job family and inflation.
Our ambition
- Continue to develop our Total Remuneration Package statement to provide clear information about all benefits for staff in ERP.
- Pay reviews and budgeting to be driven by the manager compensation and benefits dashboard.
- Employees able to manage their own benefits through ERP.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges and deliver a transparent, competitive reward framework, we will:
- Conduct a review of Professional, Technical and Operations, and Learning job families’ salary structures.
- Introduce targeted pay gap interventions.
- Enhance benefit packages.
- Influence improvements to pension provisions.
- Review recognition mechanisms and assess impacts.
- Review and implement a Retention and Market Strategy.
We will provide high-quality data and insights to support planning at department, faculty, and College level, enhancing career progression and increasing equality in pay.
Our plans
The picture today
The provision of Management Information (MI) for recruitment is limited, resource intensive and affected by data quality issues. Progression processes need to be conducted manually so are also resource intensive, while data is not available for analysis. Where data is available, dashboards are in place but do not offer reporting on candidates’ skills, qualifications, and capabilities, limiting their effectiveness.
Our ambition
- To proactively provide advice to managers on approaches to resourcing based on good quality MI.
- To make data available directly to managers to inform local decision- making.
- To have the ability to carry out modelling based on data and MI.
Our plans for the future
To address these challenges and achieve our ambitions, we will:
- Engage with our internal customers and stakeholders to understand our current and future needs.
- Launch a set of diagnostic dashboards with the capacity to produce action plans, with support and interpretation provided by the HR Strategic Support team.