GSS students laughing

Attracting more than 400 students, representing over 50 nationalities each year, Global Summer School is a pre-university summer education experience for 16- and 17-year-old students.

The programme runs for two weeks, in July and August, and offers a choice of three subject areas:

Structured in two parts, the first week begins with academic sessions, taught by Imperial academics, focussing on their chosen subject while week two focusses on students working together to participate in a STEM challenge.

The rigorous application process and academic requirements align with undergraduate student recruitment targets, with many attendees going on to apply for an undergraduate place at Imperial.

"The thing I liked most about the Global Summer School was meeting so many incredible people, both students and mentors, who had similar passions to mine." Sreyas, Physics, Hungary


gss social activities playing dodge ball

Caption: Global Summer School Social Activities

student working on medicine practical part of gss

Caption: Medicine and Life Sciences Students

gss students working together

Caption: Global Summer School STEM Challenge