Programme (Stages 0 to 5)

Stage 0 - Indicative programme

Indicative programme prepared internally to provide initial keys dates for PFD. This programme also forms part of the tender to appoint the consultant team.

  • Owner – Imperial college Internal Project manager

Stage 1 - Design Programme

Lead consultant in collaboration with the design team to create a design programme to manage the issue of information and completion of each RIBA stage.

  • Owner – Lead consultant design team

Stage 1 – Master Project Programme must be created which establishes outline project duration in line with Riba stages from interception to project completion.
Initial programme to include all Imperial college processes and gateway approvals and appropriate time allowance for each one in line with published dates. Programme to form part of the PID and is to be appended to the PID at the end of Stage 1.

  • Owner – Project Manager

Programme approval meetings (pdf)


Stage 2 – Master Project

Revise Master Project Programme to reflect design and outcomes from the conclusion of the feasibility study and input from the design team. Master Project Programme to be issued as part of main contractor tender.

  • Owner – Project Manager

Stage 3 – Procurement Package

Procurement Package Programme to be developed in conjunction with main contractor and design team to schedule the procurement of packages and design information required to tender and procure second Stage (2 stage approach only).

  • Owner – Project Manager / Main Contractor / Design Team

Stage 4 - Master Construction

Master Construction Programme for acceptance to be revised and re-issued as agreed with the project manager. Programme must adherer to clause 32.1 NEC 3. Programme to be revise and submitted as works commence and must follow the programme for acceptance under clauses 31 and 32.

  • Owner – Main Contractor

NEC 3 the accepted programme (pdf)

Stage 5 - Master Construction

Master Construction Programme for acceptance to be revised and re-issued as agreed with the project manager. Programme must adherer to clause 32.1 NEC 3. Programme to be revise and submitted as works commence and must follow the programme for acceptance under clauses 31 and 32. Full handover and commissioning programme including Imperial College London witnessing dates to be issue at the start of Stage 5.

  • Owner – Main Contractor