Induction (Stages 1 to 3)
The Project Manager must ensure that all persons accessing Imperial buildings are provided with suitable safety information. Appropriate safety information can be provided verbally through induction meetings that should normally include the Building and Maintenance Managers and reinforced in written form, as required. For refurbishment projects, the information should include copies of asbestos information for the spaces requiring access, including plant rooms, risers, roof areas and known routes identified for services distribution.
Additionally, for survey work, or investigative work requiring more than 1 day on site, the individuals involved must also be shown the short video referred to as the Day one induction video.
The Project Manager should provide the following details to the Head of Health and Safety and the Construction Safety Advisor for individuals who require photo identification swipe cards:
- Project title
- Project number
- Name of individual
- Company name
- Building(s) and building locations requiring access
- Start and finish dates for access authorisation
This information is provided to security who then registers the individuals on the security database. When security confirm registration is completed, the individuals attend a final 15 minute induction with the Head of Health and Safety and/or the Construction Safety Advisor and receive a signed authorisation document that must be submitted to the security desk currently located in the ground floor foyer of the Sherfield Building (South Kensington), to complete the process.
Decontamination certificate (Stage 4)
Project Manager, Construction Safety Manager
Safety Induction Agenda, Certificate