Prepare Stage 4 report - technical design (Stage 4)
Following the appointment of the contractor the design will be developed to Production Information Status (Stage 4) by the Contractor’s design team.
The design deliverables for the detailed design process will typically be as follows for each design solution under consideration:
- Architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical construction drawings, specifications and technical submissions
Prepare stage 2 concept design (stage 2)
Contractor/ Novated Design Team
Stage 4 Technical Design Information
Once this has been completed this information shall be issued to the Project Manager for transferral to the College appointed Supervisors and Estates' Engineering Manager who are to review and confirm that the Production Information meets the Brief requirements and the tendered design.
Thereafter the College Supervisors are to advise of any discrepancies and if found are to be resolved with input from all relevant parties such as:
- TAG Members
- Users
- Project Supervisors and Consultants
- Main Contractor
- Project Director
Comments are to be returned in an electronically recorded format e.g. e-mail to the Project Manager by the advised date. Absence of comments by this date will be deemed as acceptance of the proposals. Following receipt of comments the Project Manager, together with the Design Team, or other relevant parties will:
- Adjust/amend the review information to reflect the comments received
- Agree a strategy with the individual/ department to ensure implementation of the comments within the next stage
- Agree with the individual/department that their comments will/will not be implemented and record the reasons for the decision
Prepare stage 2 concept design (stage 2)
Project Manager, Design Team
Record - email/Project Team Minutes
The final production information documentation is submitted to the User Coordinator and the Project Director as a record of what is included within the contract.
Following the design Stage review, the Project Manager will facilitate the production of Stage end review information comprising of:
- The original Stage review information amended where appropriate
- A separate report enclosing all comments and "close out" of the issues raised, including any dissent/dissatisfaction raised where comments have not been implemented
Prepare stage 2 concept design (stage 2)
Project Manager
Design Stage (end) review report